Is it good idea to use Optional.of() method to make method chaining ?
i had a conversation with group of collegues about Optional.of() method.
currently one of the project they are using Optional.of() method to
achieve the method chaining functional programming style .
Here i am giving the sample example :
TxResponse initTxDataResponse = gateway.initiateTx(initTxDataRequest);
.filter(code -> ResponseCode.SUCCESS.getCode().equals(code))
.map(code -> {
// doing some business logic ,we are not
return code;
}).orElseThrow(() -> new NoTransactionFound());
I feel we are overusing of the Optional.of() method
Is it good practice use the Optional.of() method to achieve functional programming style in jdk 8 ?
Case 2 :
TxResponse response = transactionRepository.getTransacationById(TransactionId).elseThrow(() -> ResourceNotFoundException());
.filter(code -> ResponseCode.SUCCESS.getCode().equals(code))
.map(code -> {
// doing some business logic ,we are not
return code;
}).orElseThrow(() -> new RuntimeException());
In this case Optional.of() is required to achieve functional programming style ?
I think, Java Optional
is made for these type of use cases only - To avoid null checks and do operations via chaining & without the fear of NPE.
I don't think you are overusing Optional
From the Official Article from Oracle
The purpose of Optional is not to replace every single null reference
in your codebase but rather to help design better APIs in which—just
by reading the signature of a method—users can tell whether to expect
an optional value. In addition, Optional forces you to actively unwrap
an Optional to deal with the absence of a value; as a result, you
protect your code against unintended null pointer exceptions.
If you don’t mind an answer without code, just my 0.02$.
We have been fighting over this at my work place (in code reviews) quite a lot. To be frank I am sometimes lost as to when it is correct (read intended by the creators of it) or not. I don’t even think that at the time of creation, Stuart Marks and the others were sure how this would be (ab)used. Like any other feature in the Java language, it will get abused, be sure of that. But over time, best practices will appear and people will use that.
I tend to be on the side that iff it does not hurt performance, your usage is OK. At least its sooo easy to read (speaking for myself here), compared to if else checks; but again it might be me doing (too) much Java-8 and above code.
That being said, it’s way too easy to turn it into a total mess, where that bound is, is up to you (and most probably your team).
If initTxDataResponse is nullable, then maybe it should be like this ?
Optional<TxResponse> initTxDataResponse =