I need such construction in scss:
:host {
background: #fff;
&([active]) {
background: #000;
meaning output like:
:host {
background: #fff;
:host([active]) {
background: #000;
But I can't get it working any way I've tried. Is there any way to escape parentheses I don't know or something not overcomplicated?
Just inserting piece of raw css like `code` in CoffeeScript would be great, but I do not see anything like this in documentation.
If you want to use this shadow DOM selectors in the scss files you cant use :host(<selector>)
nested right now.
A workaround is to repeat :host for each selector you want to use.
:host {
background: #fff;
:host([active]) {
background: #000;
CSS (the same):
:host {
background: #fff;
:host([active]) {
background: #000;
You could try it here: http://sassmeister.com/
Unfortunatly sass still doesn't support this.
I made an additional workaround to support nested state selectors on :host
Assuming you also use gulp-sass to compile your sass to css you can do the following:
npm install gulp-replace
Next add the following to the top of the gulp script that compiles your sass:
var replace = require('gulp-replace');
And add the following to your sass compile pipe:
.pipe(replace(':host:hover', ':host(:hover)'))
Now you can use the following construct in your sass:
:host {
&:hover {
color: red;
The replace function will change your css to look like this:
:host(:hover) {
color: red;
Your gulp script should look something like this:
var gulp = require('gulp');
var replace = require('gulp-replace');
var sass = require('gulp-sass');
gulp.task('sass', function () {
return gulp.src('./src/sass/**/*.scss')
outputStyle: 'expanded',
precision: 10,
.pipe(replace(':host:hover', ':host(:hover)'))
You can add more states by expanding the replace part of your gulp script.