I am having problems reading probabilities from CSV using pandas.read_csv
; some of the values are read as floats with > 1.0
Specifically, I am confused about the following behavior:
>>> pandas.read_csv(io.StringIO("column\n0.99999999999999998"))["column"][0]
>>> pandas.read_csv(io.StringIO("column\n0.99999999999999999"))["column"][0]
>>> pandas.read_csv(io.StringIO("column\n1.00000000000000000"))["column"][0]
>>> pandas.read_csv(io.StringIO("column\n1.00000000000000001"))["column"][0]
>>> pandas.read_csv(io.StringIO("column\n1.00000000000000008"))["column"][0]
>>> pandas.read_csv(io.StringIO("column\n1.00000000000000009"))["column"][0]
Default float-parsing behavior seems to be non-monotonic, and especially some values starting 0.9...
are converted to floats that are strictly greater than 1.0
, causing problems e.g. when feeding them into sklearn.metrics
The documentation states that read_csv
has a parameter float_precision
that can be used to select “which converter the C engine should use for floating-point values”, and setting this to 'high'
indeed solves my problem.
However, I would like to understand the default behavior:
- Where can I find the source code of the default float converter?
- Where can I find documentation on the intended behavior of the default float converter and the other possible choices?
- Why does a single-figure change in the least significant position skip a value?
- Why does this behave non-monotonically at all?
Edit regarding “duplicate question”: This is not a duplicate. I am aware of the limitations of floating-point math. I was specifically asking about the default parsing mechanism in Pandas, since the builtin float
does not show this behavior:
>>> float("0.99999999999999999")
...and I could not find documentation.
@MaxU already showed the source code for the parser and the relevant tokenizer xstrtod
so I'll focus on the "why" part:
The code for xstrtod
is roughly like this (translated to pure Python):
def xstrtod(p):
number = 0.
idx = 0
ndecimals = 0
while p[idx].isdigit():
number = number * 10. + int(p[idx])
idx += 1
idx += 1
while idx < len(p) and p[idx].isdigit():
number = number * 10. + int(p[idx])
idx += 1
ndecimals += 1
return number / 10**ndecimals
Which reproduces the "problem" you saw:
print(xstrtod('0.99999999999999997')) # 1.0
print(xstrtod('0.99999999999999998')) # 1.0
print(xstrtod('0.99999999999999999')) # 1.0000000000000002
print(xstrtod('1.00000000000000000')) # 1.0
print(xstrtod('1.00000000000000001')) # 1.0
print(xstrtod('1.00000000000000002')) # 1.0
print(xstrtod('1.00000000000000003')) # 1.0
print(xstrtod('1.00000000000000004')) # 1.0
print(xstrtod('1.00000000000000005')) # 1.0
print(xstrtod('1.00000000000000006')) # 1.0
print(xstrtod('1.00000000000000007')) # 1.0
print(xstrtod('1.00000000000000008')) # 1.0
print(xstrtod('1.00000000000000009')) # 1.0000000000000002
print(xstrtod('1.00000000000000019')) # 1.0000000000000002
The problem seems to be the 9
in the last place which alters the result. So it's floating point accuracy:
>>> float('100000000000000008')
>>> float('100000000000000009')
It's the 9
in the last place that is responsible for the skewed results.
If you want high precision you can define your own converters or use python-provided ones, i.e. decimal.Decimal
if you want arbitary precision:
>>> import pandas
>>> import decimal
>>> converter = {0: decimal.Decimal} # parse column 0 as decimals
>>> import io
>>> def parse(string):
... return '{:.30f}'.format(pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(string), converters=converter)["column"][0])
>>> print(parse("column\n0.99999999999999998"))
>>> print(parse("column\n0.99999999999999999"))
>>> print(parse("column\n1.00000000000000000"))
>>> print(parse("column\n1.00000000000000001"))
>>> print(parse("column\n1.00000000000000008"))
>>> print(parse("column\n1.00000000000000009"))
which prints:
Exactly representing the input!
If you want to understand how it works - look at the source code - file "_libs/parsers.pyx" lines: 492-499 for Pandas 0.20.1:
self.parser.double_converter_nogil = xstrtod # <------- default converter
self.parser.double_converter_withgil = NULL
if float_precision == 'high':
self.parser.double_converter_nogil = precise_xstrtod # <------- 'high' converter
self.parser.double_converter_withgil = NULL
elif float_precision == 'round_trip': # avoid gh-15140
self.parser.double_converter_nogil = NULL
self.parser.double_converter_withgil = round_trip
Source code for xstrtod
Source code for precise_xstrtod