
Set dates for jQuery Date Range Picker from input

2019-05-19 10:29发布



I have everything working quite well but I can't seem to get the picker to use the default values that I set in the . There are two inputs, a start date and end date. I have a value="" with a date in both which should be the default date for the datepicker. Then the user has the ability to change those dates.

I've played with a few different ideas but I can't get anything to grab the input's value attribute. Any insight would be appreciated.

Here is my code:

<div class="datepicker-to-from">
    <input type="date" id="startTimestamp" class="date-picker" value="11/18/2012 05:45 AM">

    <input type="date" id="endTimestamp" class="date-picker" value="04/09/2014 5:00 PM">

    format: 'MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm A',
    showShortcuts: false,
    time: {
        enabled: true
    getValue: function(){
        $('#startTimestamp').val() + ' to ' + $('#endTimestamp').val();
    setValue: function(){
    startDate: $('#startTimestamp').val()

UPDATE 4/10/2015: After help from both andybeli and The F, I solved the problem. The final JS code looks like this for those who run into a similar situation.

    format: 'MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm A',
    showShortcuts: false,
    time: {
        enabled: true
    setValue: function(s,s1,s2){

var startDate = $('#startTimestamp').val();
var endDate = $('#endTimestamp').val();



The plugin needs an actual date object to function. luckily your value="" string is enough to create such object using new Date():

<div class="datepicker-to-from">
    <input type="date" id="startTimestamp" class="date-picker" value="11/18/2012 05:45">

    <input type="date" id="endTimestamp" class="date-picker" value="04/09/2014 5:00">

    format: 'MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm',
    showShortcuts: false,
    time: {
        enabled: true

 // get values and create Date objects
 var date1 = new Date($('#startTimestamp').val());
 var date2 = new Date($('#endTimestamp').val());

 // set the values

 // formatting 
 function addZero(i) {
     if (i < 10) {
         i = "0" + i;
     return i;

 function fancy_date(dateObj) {
     return addZero(dateObj.getMonth()) + 
      '/' + addZero(dateObj.getDate()) + 
      '/' + addZero(dateObj.getFullYear()) + 
      ' ' + addZero(dateObj.getHours()) + 
      ':' + addZero(dateObj.getMinutes());

If you absolutely need to show AM/PM check this answer. It shouldnt be to hard to adapt this.

The standard setters and getters, as well as the $(dom).setDate() will probably be a pain, since you are dealing with two input fields, that hold your desired values anyway.

I stole the addZero function from w3 js, you check out Dates for more information.


In Daterangepicker we have to pass values in startDate and endDate parameters.

$('#daterange').daterangepicker({ startDate: '03/05/2005', endDate: '03/06/2005' });

Note: Here we have to pass the Date in "m/d/Y" format as this is default type, unless you have not specify the formate in locale array.

locale: {
      format: 'M/DD hh:mm A'