This is my first question here on stackoverflow. Dear community, thanks a lot for your combined knowledge and expertise !
I'm new to Redis so please bear with me, as I'm sure there is a simple solution.
redis-server --version
=> Redis server v=2.6.14 sha=00000000:0 malloc=libc bits=64
redis-cli --version
=> redis-cli 2.6.14
I have read "How to use Redis mass insertion?"
How to use Redis mass insertion?
I have googled and read a lot of praise for the redis INCR feature. But I don't really understand everything and it does not help me to do this redis-internally only.
My goal:
I want to import 'n' lines of text into redis and retrive them later in exactly this order.
For each line I set a unique key, like key:1, key:2, key:3 etc. By using an increasing counter as part of the key I am able to later retrieve the lines in the same order in which they were stored in redis.
Now (without redis mass insert) I solve this easily by using an awk script to generate redis-cli calls, like:
cat data.txt | awk -f myscript.awk | bash
"data.txt" looks like this:
This is the first line.
This here is the much longer second line.
"myscript.awk" looks like this:
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
### This section is being applied before any line is read:
# Set counter initially to Zero
print "redis-cli SET counter 0"
### This section is being applied per line read into awk:
# Increase counter by One
print "redis-cli INCR counter"
# Read current counter from redis into an variable
print "MYCOUNTER=`redis-cli GET counter`"
# Use this variable as counter for the key
print "redis-cli SET key:$MYCOUNTER \"" $0 "\""
# Retrive stored value from redis for illustration
print "redis-cli GET key:$MYCOUNTER"
The output of "cat data.txt | awk -f myscript.awk | bash" is:
(integer) 1
"This is the first line."
(integer) 2
"This here is the much longer second line."
So everything is fine.
But instead of calling "redis-cli" twice per imported line I want to use the redis "mass insert" feature. Here I need your help:
How would I do something like this in redis only ?
SET counter 0
=> OK
INCR counter
=> (integer) 1
GET counter
=> "1"
SET KEY:{counter} "Content of line 1"
=> OK
INCR counter
=> (integer) 2
GET counter
=> "2"
SET KEY:{counter} "Different content of line 2"
=> OK
etc., etc.
The "GET counter" lines are just for illustration.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks again !