JpGraph: How to control x/y offset, margins and co

2019-05-19 06:41发布


A little background

I am attempting to migrate a project built with Symfony 1.2 from one server to another. One of the functions of the project is to build a graph (originally done with JpGraph 2.3.5).

The graph does not display as intended without modifications to the code and am looking for some insight on what I might be overlooking. Images are linked due to not having enough points to post. Graph Image Gallery

The following graph is what is generated by the code block below

    public function Graph($section) {
        $report = $section->getReport();
        $this->crews = array();
        foreach ($section->getCrews() as $crew) {
            $this->crews[$crew->getId()] = $crew;

        # get the data
        $nextDayValues = $section->getNextDayValues();
        $nextDayValueLabels = $section->getNextDayValueLabels();

        $max_y = max($nextDayValues) < 7 ? 7 : max($nextDayValues);
        $this->crew_order = array_keys($nextDayValues);
        $this->summary = $this->getSummary();
        $this->bar_count = count($this->crews) + count($this->summary);

        $left    = 200;
        $right   =  30;
        $top     =  60;
        $bottom  =  80;
        $width   = 640;
        $height  = $top + $bottom + ($this->bar_count * 30 );

        $x_unit = $this->bar_count / ($height - $top - $bottom);
        $y_unit = $max_y / ($width - $left - $right);

        $csim_targets = array();
        $csim_alts = array();
        $bar_data = array();
        $max_days = 0;

        foreach ($this->crew_order as $i => $crew_id) {
            $csim_targets[$i] = url_for('units/index?crew_id='.$crew_id);
            $csim_alts[$i] = sprintf("Units for %s",

            # figure out the maximum y value
            $nextDayUnitsList = $this->crews[$crew_id]->getNextDayUnitsList();
            $units_array[$crew_id] = $nextDayUnitsList;

            if (count($nextDayUnitsList) > $this->max_days) {
                $this->max_days = count($nextDayUnitsList);

        $bg_values = array_values($nextDayValues);
        foreach ($this->summary as $summary) {
            array_push ($bg_values, $summary['value']);

        $bg_bar = new BarPlot($bg_values);
        $bg_bar->SetCSIMTargets($csim_targets, $csim_alts);

        $fg_bars = $this->getFgBars($units_array);
        $fg_bar = new AccBarPlot($fg_bars);

        # initialize the graph
        $graph = new Graph($width, $height, 'auto');
        $graph->SetScale('textlin', 0, $max_y, 0, $this->bar_count);
        $graph->Set90AndMargin($left, $right, $top, $bottom);


        # add text labels
        foreach ($this->crew_order as $i => $crew_id) {
            $label = $this->value_label(
                $i, $nextDayValues[$crew_id],
                10 * $x_unit, 5 * $y_unit

        foreach ($this->summary as $i => $summary) {
            $label = $this->value_label(
                $i, $summary['value'],
                10 * $x_unit, 5 * $y_unit

        # add title
        $graph->title->Set(sprintf("%s - %s", $report->getName(),
        $graph->title->SetFont(FF_VERDANA,FS_BOLD, 12);

        # add subtitle
        $graph->subtitle->Set(date('d-M-Y g:ia'));
        $graph->subtitle->SetFont(FF_VERDANA,FS_BOLD, 8);

        # configure x-axis
        $graph->xaxis->SetFont(FF_VERDANA, FS_NORMAL, 8);
        $graph->xaxis->SetLabelAlign('right', 'center');
        $graph->xaxis->SetLabelFormatCallback(array($this, 'x_axis_label'));
        $graph->xaxis->scale->ticks->Set(1, 0);

        # configure y-axis
        $graph->yaxis->SetFont(FF_VERDANA, FS_NORMAL, 8);
        $graph->yaxis->SetLabelAlign('center', 'top');
        $graph->yaxis->SetLabelFormatCallback(array($this, 'y_axis_label'));

        if (max($nextDayValues) > 28) {
            $graph->yaxis->scale->ticks->Set(7, 1);
        } else {
            $graph->yaxis->scale->ticks->Set(1, 1);

        # configure legend
        $graph->legend->SetAbsPos(5, $height - 5, "left", "bottom");


        return $graph;

    private function getFgBars($units_array) {
        # initialize fg_bar data
        $empty_crews = array_fill_keys(array_keys($this->crew_order),0);

        # add segment bars
        foreach ($this->summary as $summary) {
            $empty_crews[] = 0;

        $empty_segment = array();
        foreach (array_keys($this->legend_colors) as $status) {
            $empty_segment[$status] = $empty_crews;

        $segments = array();
        for ($day = 0; $day < $this->max_days; $day++) {
            foreach (array_keys($empty_segment) as $status) {
                $segment = $empty_segment;
                foreach ($this->crew_order as $i => $crew_id) {
                    $nextDayUnitsList = $units_array[$crew_id];
                    if ($day + 1 < count($nextDayUnitsList)) {
                        $units = $nextDayUnitsList[$day];
                        $units_status = $units->getNextDayStatus();
                        $segment[$units_status][$i] = 1;
                    } elseif ($day + 1 == count($nextDayUnitsList)) {
                        $units = $nextDayUnitsList[$day];
                        $units_status = $units->getNextDayStatus();
                        $avail = $units->getUsedRatio();
                        $segment[$units_status][$i] = $avail;
                    } elseif ($day + 1 > count($nextDayUnitsList)) {
                        $segment[$units_status][$i] = 0;

            foreach ($this->summary as $i => $summary) {
                $diff = $summary['value'] - $day;
                if ($diff >= 1) {
                    $segment['summary'][$i] = 1;
                } elseif ($diff >= 0) {
                    $segment['summary'][$i] = $diff;
                } else {
                    $segment['summary'][$i] = 0;
            $segments[$day] = $segment;

        # create legend
        $fg_bars = array();
        foreach (array_keys($empty_segment) as $status) {
            $fg_bar = new BarPlot($empty_crews);

            if ($status <> 'summary') {
            $fg_bars[] = $fg_bar;

        # add segments
        foreach ($segments as $day => $segment) {
            foreach (array_keys($empty_segment) as $status) {
                $fg_bar = new BarPlot($segment[$status]);
                $fg_bars[] = $fg_bar;
        return $fg_bars;

Now the same graph on the new server using JpGraph 2.3.5 or JpGraph 3.5.0b1

A few problems can be seen:

  1. Colours are not applied
  2. x/y coord are offset (margins?)
  3. scale is off
  4. scale ticks are also removed

I am aware that to correct the colour you place $graph->Add($x); before modifying the properties. As such I had to move the code within the getFgBars() into Graph().

Which is documented in the manual under /docs/chunkhtml/ch29s02.html

With revising the code I broke apart the FgBars into $fg_bars[] & $lg_bars[] being the foreground data (color) & Legend bar.

If I remove the legend bar, the graph is displayed as intended.


What would be causing the margin / scale to go wonkey when adding on a second AccBarPlot()?


Remove default theme. $graph->graph_theme = null; will restore both colour & margins without requiring to rewrite any code.

    # initialize the graph
    $graph = new Graph($width, $height, 'auto');
    $graph->SetScale('textlin', 0, $max_y, 0, $this->bar_count);
    $graph->Set90AndMargin($left, $right, $top, $bottom);
    $graph->graph_theme = null;



Remove default theme. $graph->graph_theme = null; after initalizing Graph() will restore both colour & margins without requiring to rewrite any code.

    # initialize the graph
    $graph = new Graph($width, $height, 'auto');
    $graph->SetScale('textlin', 0, $max_y, 0, $this->bar_count);
    $graph->Set90AndMargin($left, $right, $top, $bottom);
    $graph->graph_theme = null;


/docs/chunkhtml/ch29.html#id2619634 - The order of SetTheme() and changing settings /docs/chunkhtml/ch29s02.html - Changing the display settings of line/bar graphs