I am using the vNext build system of TFS 2015.
I currently have the my builds versioning in the traditional format. Major.Minor-rev.RevisionNumber. So, if I have a build for Major 1, Minor 12, the build version would look like 1.12-rev.1 when I start. I would like to know if it is possible to have the build version start at a number other than one, say 55. Such that the build version would look like 1.12-rev.55, and then increment by one as usual after that.
Unfortunately, it's impossible.
Every build definition has a build number format field where you can use some macros to dictate what the resulting build number should look like. In this format we are using $(Rev:.rr)
Its start by one.
What is $(Rev:.rr)?
To ensure that every completed build has a unique name. When a build
is completed, if nothing else in the build number has changed, the Rev
integer value is incremented by one.
Moreover, if you want to generating a custom build number without increment.
Here is a blog with detailed procedures:Generate custom build numbers in TFS Build vNext
Actually, it is possible to effect this in a vNext build without hacking the database.
There are 2 steps.
First, you will need to implement a powershell build step (as the first step of the build) with the following inline script:
#Set the BuildNumberOffset. (Change this to the difference between the TFS build number,
#and the number that your build needs.)
$BuildNumberOffset = 543
#Don't change
$BuildNumberParts = $($env:BUILD_BUILDNUMBER) -split '\.'
$TFSRevision = [int]$BuildNumberParts[$BuildNumberParts.Length-1]
$BuildNumberParts[$BuildNumberParts.Length-1] = ($TFSRevision + $BuildNumberOffset).ToString()
$BuildNumber = [string]::Join(".", $BuildNumberParts)
Write-Host "##vso[build.updatebuildnumber]$BuildNumber"
Second, on the Label format field of the repository tab set the label format to "$(Build.BuildNumber)" instead of "$(Build.DefinitionName)$(rev:.r)". This is important so that your label will be the same as your updated build number.
There is a way to do this. It isn't pretty, but it works.
Assuming you have a build number format of something like $(Major).$(Minor)-rev$(rev:.r)
To do this queue up a build which will get the number 1.12-rev.1. Then go to the TFS database and into a table called tbl_Build
. Find that last build you did and change the value in the BuildNumberRevision
column to 54.
The next build that fires off will now be 1.12-rev.55
Couldn't we just manually set this in the format for one build i.e:
and then afterwards revert back to:
Not tried it, but if it works it'll save hacking around in the database.
You can do this easily, but only if you are using a Git repository in conjunction with a tool called GitVersion
It is a wonderful tool that I always use with my git repos. For your use-case: When you have version 1.2.3 and you want to jump to version 1.2.55, you just add a git tag 'v1.2.55' and it will start the versioning from there. GitVersion is a lot more complicated and does a lot more, but that is one of the features. You don't have to mess with special PowerShell scripts or anything, it instead reads your git repo history and git tags overrides the calculated versioning. There is already a TFS/VSTS/Azure Devops extension called GitVersion that works great from the same developer.
The Answer of @Steve Sims works still with TFS 2017 vNext. Thanks a lot!
I had only to do the first step "to add the script as an inline powershell script in my build." Thanks to @PainElemental
With this "Build number format" in the Options-Tab it works:
I didn't label my sources with the build, so I don't checked:
Second, on the Label format field of the repository tab set the label
format to "$(Build.BuildNumber)" instead of
"$(Build.DefinitionName)$(rev:.r)". This is important so that your
label will be the same as your updated build number.
I think, you can edit the Label Format on the "Advanced" GetSources Options. (usually hidden).