I'm trying to call render from a controller for a tag (function) inside a template instead of the template. This way I could use it for partial renderings of a page from ajax calls. Of course I could separate the components of the form in several templates an call render on those but I think it would be cleaner the other way.
What I was trying to do is like the following:
* Helper generating form *
@content() = {
<h3 class="form-heading">@Messages("employees")</h3>
@form(routes.AppController.save()) {
And using ajax render the content function, without having to separate it to a
separate file. This way I could render portions of the template without fragmenting it
in multiple files.
De facto the tag is just smaller template, so you can use tags for both - using in templates and controllers, the simplest sample:
This is my tag...
In controller can be rendered as:
public static Result createFromTag(){
return ok(views.html.tags.mytag.render());
In other template you just to insert:
And there is my tag rendered
More flexibility
Of course as it's template ergo Scala function as well you can just pass some params to it or even Html body:
@(headline: String)(body: Html)
<div class="tagsBody">
In controller can be rendered as:
public static Result createFromTag(){
return ok(
"Head from controller",
new play.api.templates.Html("This code becomes from <i>controller</b>")
(of course you can import these two for shorter code in action import play.api.templates.Html;
and import views.html.tags.othertag
Finally in your template you can use the tag as:
And there is my tag rendered <br/>
@tags.othertag("Head from template"){
some content for the tag's body from <b>The Template!</b>
You'll find tags description in documentation.