My keras model is saved in google storage with
I cannot load the model on pydatalab. When I save the model on my local machine, I can just open it with load_model(filepath).
Also I did import keras.backend as K, based on
NameError when opening Keras model that uses Tensorflow Backend
I have tried the following:
model = load_model(tf.gfile.Open(model_file))
Error: TypeError: expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not GFile
Error: IOError: Unable to open file (unable to open file: name = 'gs://mybucket/model.h5', errno = 2, error message = 'No such file or directory', flags = 0, o_flags = 0)
with file_io.FileIO(model_file, 'r') as f:
modl = load_model(f)
error: TypeError: expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not FileIO
Load the file from gs storage
from import file_io
model_file = file_io.FileIO('gs://mybucket/model.h5', mode='rb')
Save a temporary copy of the model locally
temp_model_location = './temp_model.h5'
temp_model_file = open(temp_model_location, 'wb')
Load model saved locally
model = load_model(temp_model_location)
I don't think Keras supports the TensorFlow file system which in turn knows how to read from GCS.
You could try downloading from GCS to a local path, and then reading from that to load the model.
The following function works for retraining an already trained keras model (with new data) on gcloud machine learning platform (Thanks to Tíarnán McGrath).
def load_models(model_file):
model = conv2d_model() #the architecture of my model, not compiled yet
file_stream = file_io.FileIO(model_file, mode='r')
temp_model_location = './temp_model.h5'
temp_model_file = open(temp_model_location, 'wb')
return model
For some reason, load_model
from keras.models
does not work for me anymore, so I have to build the model each time.