Case sensitive UriMapper issue in Silverlight 3

2019-05-19 00:34发布


In Navigation API of Silverlight 3 the UriMapper class is case sensitive. For the following uri mapping

<nav:Frame Source="/Home">

the "/entity/123" is correctly mapping to "/Views/EntityEditorPage.xaml?code=123" but "/Entity/123" will fail with the "/Views/Entity/123Page.xaml not found" exception.

How can I turn the UriMapper to case-insensitive?




I did exactly what Anthony suggested for my own application.

Here is your XAML modified to use a CustomUriMapper:

<nav:Frame Source="/Home">
            <app:CustomUriMapping Uri="" MappedUri="/Views/HomePage.xaml"/>
            <app:CustomUriMapping Uri="/entity/{code}" MappedUri="/Views/EntityEditorPage.xaml?code={code}"/>
            <app:CustomUriMapping Uri="/{pageName}" MappedUri="/Views/{pageName}Page.xaml"/>

Here is the code for the CustomUriMapping and the CustomUriMapper classes:

using System;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Windows.Markup;
using System.Windows.Navigation;

namespace YourApplication
    // In XAML:
    // <app:CustomUriMapper>
    //     <app:CustomUriMapping Uri="/{search}" MappedUri="/Views/searchpage.xaml?searchfor={search}"/>
    // </app:CustomUriMapper>

    public class CustomUriMapping
        public Uri Uri { get; set; }
        public Uri MappedUri { get; set; }

        public Uri MapUri(Uri uri)
            // Do the uri mapping without regard to upper or lower case
            UriMapping _uriMapping = new UriMapping() { Uri = (Uri == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Uri.OriginalString) ? null : new Uri(Uri.OriginalString.ToLower(), UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute)), MappedUri = MappedUri };
            return _uriMapping.MapUri(uri == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(uri.OriginalString) ? null : new Uri(uri.OriginalString.ToLower(), UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute));

    public class CustomUriMapper : UriMapperBase
        public ObservableCollection<CustomUriMapping> UriMappings { get { return m_UriMappings; } private set { m_UriMappings = value; } }
        private ObservableCollection<CustomUriMapping> m_UriMappings = new ObservableCollection<CustomUriMapping>();

        public override Uri MapUri(Uri uri)
            if (m_UriMappings == null)
                return uri;

            foreach (CustomUriMapping mapping in m_UriMappings)
                Uri mappedUri = mapping.MapUri(uri);
                if (mappedUri != null)
                    return mappedUri;

            return uri;

Good luck, Jim McCurdy


UriMapper uses regular expression try changing your mapping to "[V|v]iews/EntityEditorPage.xaml?code={code}" for starters this will make the V in view case insensi


You can't do this easily. Ultimately you will need to derive your own UriMapperBase and do all the mapping logic yourself. Its probably not a worthwhile thing to do unless you can use some simplified mappings.