As I have only recently switched to PowerShell from cmd.exe
, I often find it convenient to do little things in a familiar way by calling cmd
to do them. For instance, to do a 'bare' file listing this works great:
PS> cmd /c dir /b
I'd like to make an alias for this but I can't figure out the right syntax. So far I've tried:
PS> Set-Alias dirb cmd /c dir /b # error (alias not created)
PS> Set-Alias dirb "cmd /c dir /b" # fail (alias doesn't work)
PS> Set-Alias dirb "cmd `"/c dir /b`"" # fail (alias doesn't work)
Any suggestions? I'm looking for a general solution to calling builtin cmd.exe
commands (such as dir
). I'd also like to know how to produce bare output the right way using PowerShell cmdlets, but that's a secondary concern at the moment. This question is about the proper syntax for calling cmd.exe
from an alias.