Grails database-migration with property to be db a

2019-05-18 19:54发布


Is there a way in the Grails-database migration plugin to define properties in migration files to be able to define database agnostic migration, like it is possible in Liquibase?

I tried with:

databaseChangeLog = {
property([name:"boolean.type", value:"bit(1)",dbms:"mysql" ])
property([name:"boolean.type", value:"number(1,0)", dbms:"oracle"])

an using it in the colum definition:

changeSet(author: "me", id: "121112341-1") {
createTable(tableName: "test_table") {
column(name: "my_column", type: "${boolean.type}")

but that does not work...


In a Groovy file "${boolean.type}" is a GString, so Groovy is attempting to resolve the property type of the variable boolean. You need to use single quotes so Groovy leaves the string alone and lets Liquibase do the dbms-specific replacement:

column(name: "my_column", type: '${boolean.type}')