I'm having issues while saving a midi using a sequencer to a local file. The audio is being created and saved, but the audio output is completely different as it should be.
Here is the code I'm using:
var sequencer : AKSequencer?
let piano = AKMIDISampler()
var offlineRender = AKOfflineRenderNode()
do {
try piano.loadWav("mixloop")
piano >>> offlineRender
AudioKit.output = offlineRender
sequencer = AKSequencer(filename: "melody")
let docs = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first!
let destAudioFile = docs.appendingPathComponent("rendered11.caf")
offlineRender.internalRenderEnabled = false
let seconds = sequencer?.length.seconds
try self.offlineRender.renderToURL(destAudioFile, seconds: seconds ?? 4)
self.offlineRender.internalRenderEnabled = true
print("Done! Rendered to " + destAudioFile.path)
// test the local song using just AVAudioPlayer
playLocalSong(url: destAudioFile)
} catch {
I'm attaching the mixloop.wav, melody.mid and the output rendered11.caf. files
And if I change this line:
AudioKit.output = offlineRender
AudioKit.output = piano
The sound is just as it should be, with 16 seconds of sound instead of just the first few seconds.
Is something wrong in the code above?
Thanks in advance