I am following EF Feature CTP5: Pluggable Conventions to create custom pluggable convention (in this particular case to change the precision of all decimal fields).
Looks like in the latest release of EF the Add
method on ConventionsConfiguraions
is also "internal'. How do i add custom Pluggable Conventions now?
The feature has been removed in EF 4.1 and a possible implementation postponed to a later release:
Code First customizable (pluggable)
conventions are not supported.
Removing the default Code First
conventions is supported.
Quote from here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg696165%28v=VS.103%29.aspx
Removal of Code First Pluggable Conventions. Pluggable Conventions
were previewed in Feature CTP5 but
were not at go-live quality for this
release. This release still supports
the removal of default conventions.
Quote from here: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/adonet/archive/2011/03/15/ef-4-1-release-candidate-available.aspx
That's why Add
doesn't exist anymore as a public method of ConventionsConfiguration
, only Remove
is still available.
I have blogged about an alternative way of defining conventions here: http://sessionfactory.blogspot.com/2011/04/conventions-in-entity-framework-41.html