I need to add some 3rd party APKs to my AOSP build. What folder should I keep these APKs so that when I build the code and the image is created, it is installed in the emulator?
It looks like the system apps are kept in the packages/app folder so I need to know where the third party APKs are kept.
Adding third party APKs to the build is definitely possible.
Also APKs and APPs with source code go to the same place; the package/app
Adding a new APK to the build
In the AOSP root add the folder:
<aosp root>/package/app/< yourappfolder >
Then inside this folder add:
- empty
< yourapp.apk >
The android make file should have the reference to your apk, add this to your Android.mk
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE := < your app folder name >
LOCAL_CERTIFICATE := < desired key >
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := < app apk filename >
Create an entry in the commons.mk
(usually in build/target/product
) for your apk add the line (check where all the others are)
PRODUCT_PACKAGES += < what you have defined in LOCAL_MODULE, it should be your app folder name >
Compile the AOSP and you have a brand new app installed on the system.
You could also do the following in the target output dir:
<path-to-your-build-dir>/host/linux-x86/bin/simg2img system.img temp.img
mkdir system_root
sudo mount -t ext4 -o loop temp.img system_root
At this point you can make whatever changes you'd like to the files in system_root, i.e. adding apks to system/app etc...
When you're done just go back down to the output dir and do:
sudo umount system_root
<path-to-your-build-dir>/host/linux-x86/bin/img2simg temp.img system.img
You can now flash system.img using fastboot as usual.
The Android.mk presented above will install the APK in /system/app
If you wish to install the APK in /data/app you will need to add the following the line to Android.mk before line include $(BUILD_PREBUILT)