How do I install Java Development Kit (JDK) 10 on Ubuntu?
The installation instructions on Oracle's help center only explain how to download and extract the archive on Linux platform, without any system setup.
How do I install Java Development Kit (JDK) 10 on Ubuntu?
The installation instructions on Oracle's help center only explain how to download and extract the archive on Linux platform, without any system setup.
sudo apt-get install openjdk-11-jdk
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:linuxuprising/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java10-installer
Then set as default with:
sudo apt-get install oracle-java10-set-default
And finally verify Installation with:
$ java -version
java version "10.0.1" 2018-04-17
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 18.3 (build 10.0.1+10)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 18.3 (build 10.0.1+10, mixed mode)
Source: Linux Uprising
Download OpenJDK 10 binaries for Linux.
Untar the downloaded archive:
tar xzvf openjdk-10_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz
Move the extracted archive to where your system keeps your installed JDKs:
sudo mv jdk-10 /usr/lib/jvm/java-10-openjdk-amd64/
Add the new Java alternative:
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/lib/jvm/java-10-openjdk-amd64/bin/java 1
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/javac javac /usr/lib/jvm/java-10-openjdk-amd64/bin/javac 1
Update your system's java alternatives and choose JDK 10:
$ sudo update-alternatives --config java
here are 3 choices for the alternative java (providing /usr/bin/java).
Selection Path Priority Status
0 /usr/lib/jvm/java-9-openjdk-amd64/bin/java 1091 auto mode
* 1 /usr/lib/jvm/java-10-openjdk-amd64/bin/java 1 manual mode
2 /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java 1081 manual mode
3 /usr/lib/jvm/java-9-openjdk-amd64/bin/java 1091 manual mode
Press <enter> to keep the current choice[*], or type selection number:
$ sudo update-alternatives --config javac
There are 3 choices for the alternative javac (providing /usr/bin/javac).
Selection Path Priority Status
* 0 /usr/lib/jvm/java-9-openjdk-amd64/bin/javac 1091 auto mode
1 /usr/lib/jvm/java-10-openjdk-amd64/bin/javac 1 manual mode
2 /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/javac 1081 manual mode
3 /usr/lib/jvm/java-9-openjdk-amd64/bin/javac 1091 manual mode
Press <enter> to keep the current choice[*], or type selection number: 1
update-alternatives: using /usr/lib/jvm/java-10-openjdk-amd64/bin/javac to provide /usr/bin/javac (javac) in manual mode
Verify your installation with:
$ java --version
openjdk 10 2018-03-20
OpenJDK Runtime Environment 18.3 (build 10+46)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 18.3 (build 10+46, mixed mode)
$ javac --version
javac 10
If you prefer Oracle's JDK, download it and follow the installation steps as shown above.
There is a ppa on java 10 that installs oracle's java:
I am not sure if this will be maintained though. It seems to be a copy of the webupd8 way on how to handle oracle java installation (ref: documentation).
How to use this ppa:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:linuxuprising/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java10-installer
Verify installation:
$ /usr/lib/jvm/java-10-oracle/bin/java -version
java version "10.0.1" 2018-04-17
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 18.3 (build 10.0.1+10)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 18.3 (build 10.0.1+10, mixed mode)
Setting up environment variables (make java10 default)
sudo apt-get install oracle-java10-set-default
Note: You need update-alternatives
only if you have multiple java versions.
Note: You can purge everything about Java before fresh installing new Java.
sudo apt purge java*
For Java 10 fresh installation
Extract and put somewhere in /opt/java
directory. You putting JDK in /opt/java
directory makes it will be usable for all users as it is being in the public /opt
(Note: I downloaded JDK, JRE, and server JRE, and extracted JDK and renamed extracted the folder to jdk10, extracted JRE and renamed extracted the folder to jre10, and extracted server JRE and renamed extracted the folder to jre10server as shown in below snapshot).
Update your /etc/environment
file as below
Now, you need to reload the /etc/environment
script file into the system using source command as below.
source /etc/environment
If you want to know more about update-alternatives then here is the link:
There are different ways of doing this , but the most convenient and easy way of doing this is i found in a video link .
This guy shows how can you install it manually .
The advantage is you dnt give control to os to install stuff and if you want to switch between JDK versions , you can do that very easily . Steps :-
Step 1- Download JDK and Extract it
Step 2- Move your extracted folder in a proper directory of your choice.
Step 3- Set environment variable as we do in Windows System Update your .bashrc file and add the following line
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/java/jdk1.8.0_77
export PATH="$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin"
You need to do update-alternatives --install before the final step.
sudo update-alternatives --install "/usr/bin/java" java "/usr/lib/jvm/java-10-openjdk-amd64/bin/java" 1
sudo update-alternatives --install "/usr/bin/javac" javac "/usr/lib/jvm/java-10-openjdk-amd64/bin/javac" 1
I've found a repo
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openjdk-r/ppa
sudo apt update
sudo apt install openjdk-10-jdk
Repo home page
I found SDKMAN a very useful tool because it provides a convenient way of installing (managing!) what JDK install/use in a given time from shell.
For example, once installed, you can:
sdk list java
This will show something like:
Available Java Versions
+ 8u161-oracle
> + 8.0.171-oracle
+ - local version
* - installed
> - currently in use
sdk install java 10.0.2-open
It will show something like:
Downloading: java 10.0.2-open
In progress...
################# 12,3%
sdk use java 10.0.2-open
It will show something like:
Using java version 10.0.2-open in this shell.
For more info see
The easiest way is to use update-alternatives and get a oracle package using wget. I found this short tutorial, its quick method