I need to replace words that start with hash mark (#) inside a text.
Well I know how I can replace whole words.
preg_replace("/\b".$variable."\b/", $value, $text);
Because that \b modifier accepts only word characters so a word containing hash mark wont be replaced.
I have this html which contains #companyName type of variables which I replace with a value.
matches between an alphanumeric character (shorthand \w
) and a non-alphanumeric character (\W
), counting underscores as alphanumeric. This means, as you have seen, that it won't match before a #
(unless that's preceded by an alnum character).
I suggest that you only surround your query word with \b
if it starts and end with an alnum character.
So, perhaps something like this (although I don't know any PHP, so this may be syntactically completely wrong):
if (preg_match('/^\w/', $variable))
$variable = '\b'.$variable;
if (preg_match('/\w$/', $variable))
$variable = $variable.'\b';
preg_replace('/'.$variable.'/', $value, $text);
All \b does is match a change between non-word and word characters. Since you know $variable starts with non-word characters, you just need to precede the match by a non-word character (\W).
However, since you are replacing, you either need to make the non-word match zero-width, i.e. a look-behind:
preg_replace("/(?<=\\W)".$variable."\\b/", $value, $text);
or incorporate the matched character into the replacement text:
preg_replace("/(\\W)".$variable."\\b/", $value, "$1$text");
Following expression can also be used for marking boundaries for words containing non-word characters:-
preg_replace("/(^|\s|\W)".$variable."($|\s|\W)/", $value, $text);
Why not just
preg_replace("/#\b".$variable."\b/", $value, $text);