I am trying doc2vec for 600000 rows of sentences and my code is below:
model = gensim.models.doc2vec.Doc2Vec(size= 100, min_count = 5,window=4, iter = 50, workers=cores)
model.train(res, total_examples=model.corpus_count, epochs=model.iter)
#len(res) = 663406
#length of unique words 15581
#length of doc vectors is 10
# each of length 100
How do I interpret this result? why is the length of vector only 10 with each of size 100? when the length of 'res' is 663406, it does not make sense. I know something is wrong here.
In Understanding the output of Doc2Vec from Gensim package, they mention that the length of docvec is determined by 'size' which is not clear.