I am trying to create a folder within web server using Java File handling APIs in my RESTFul web service developed using JERSEY. According to my understanding, when I target "xyz.com" , it by default points out /home/xyz/public_html/ in my server.
So when I try to create a folder as follows
String appFolderPath = "/xyz.com/appFolder/";
File userNameFolder = new File(appFolderPath + userName);
if (!userNameFolder.exists()) {
folderPath = userNameFolder.mkdir();
The above code fails, I am not getting any exception, and no folder is created. How exactly I suppose to do it ? How to give path for public_html/ folder ?
Another point is, is it not happening because of permission issue ? , I actually tried another way , I manually created /appFolder under public_html/ and give full read write permission to that folder, but still I couldn't create any folder within that using above code.
Please let me know how to achieve it ? Any Sample code ? Also if possible let me know if JERSEY does give me APIs to make it simple ?