Situation: graph with numerous end points each of which has one connection to the main graph. This connection may traverse several intervening node->relationship->node before joining the main graph. This final node where each connects has a specific property.
I have a query that walks down this path and finds the node that ultimately joins to the main graph. I have another query that returns a list of the end-point nodes. How would I use the list of nodes from query 2 to feed into query 1 so I could get the results of query 1 for every member of query 2?
Ideally I want something like FOREACH but that's out as query 1 begins with a match statement. It doesn't make any changes. Something akin to create outer_list -> each outer_list_member -> run next query and return single result -> repeat with next list_member
- Query 1:
match p=(n {individual end node property})-[r: JOINS*1..5]-(m { joining node property }) return, length(p) as len, order by len limit 1
-- this gives me the end node and the joining node (via shortest path) - Query 2:
match node_list = (n {property of all end nodes})
I can run query 1 and get the correct results if I manually specify the unique property ("id") of a given end node. I want to create a list of all end nodes and their connecting node.