
Iterate through keys/values in Hogan.js

2019-05-18 00:05发布


Is there a way to iterate through keys and values in an object using Hogan.js? I'm unable to find such documented functionality - only iteration over arrays seems to be documented. Is it even possible to iterate through objects in hogan.js (or any other moustache.js implementation)?


There is no way to directly iterate over the keys and values in an object in Hogan.js, what sub_stantial is doing is essentialy iterating over an array.

Depending on what you want to do you need a bit of prerender code. Supposing you have an object o that is { k1: "v1", k2: "v2" }. And you want your rendered template to be k1 has value v1; k2 has value v2;, you only need this (_ is the underscore library):

var oAsList = [];
_.each(_.keys(oAsList), function (k) {
  oAsList.push({ key: k, value: o[k] });

And the Mustache template that does the trick is
{{#oAsList}} {{key}} has value {{value}}; {{/oAsList}}


I was in the same situation yesterday, and after some research with Hogan.js and Mustache.js, I found this solution :

var data = { 'list' : [{ 'name' : 'dhg'}, {'name' : 'abc'}] };
var template = Hogan.compile("{{#list}} {{name}} {{/list}}");
var output = template.render(data);

You can see it in action here : http://jsfiddle.net/LuD6j/1/