How do I configure go command to use a proxy?

2019-01-10 03:26发布


I want to run go install to install the tour, but I can't find the option to use a proxy for internet access. I don't need this just for the tour but for developing in Go in general.

How do I configure Go to use a proxy.


Go programs understand environment variables http_proxy and no_proxy, but that's not enough because go get uses source control managers for retrieving code. So you have to set HTTP proxy settings for your SCM too. Use this for Mercurial and this for Git.

http_proxy value can be like http://user:password@host:port/. User, password, and port parts are optional. no_proxy is a comma-separated list of servers that should not be connected through proxy. Its value can be like,

You can set these environment variables in your bash_profile, but if you want to limit their usage to go, you can run it like this:

$ http_proxy= go get

If that's what you always want, set this alias to avoid typing proxy part every time:

$ alias go='http_proxy= go'

From now on you can use go normally, but it uses your HTTP proxy.


you can also map http requests to socks5 traffic by using

very handy if you are blocked by GFW


This works for me:

alias go='http_proxy= https_proxy= no_proxy=localhost,,::1 go'

Note: for someones, protocol may be different https_proxy=


You may want check,

$ graftcp-local/graftcp-local -h
Usage of graftcp-local/graftcp-local:
  -config string
        Path to the configuration file
  -listen string
        Listen address (default ":2233")
  -logfile string
        Write logs to file
  -loglevel value
        Log level (0-6) (default 1)
  -pipepath string
        Pipe path for graftcp to send address info (default "/tmp/graftcplocal.fifo")
  -service string
        Control the system service: ["start" "stop" "restart" "install" "uninstall"]
  -socks5 string
        SOCKS5 address (default "")
        Send logs to the local system logger (Eventlog on Windows, syslog on Unix)

If you already have shadowsocks listening on 1080, then you don't need provide any paramaters, just run graftcp-local, to proxy go get

$ ./graftcp go get -v


On Windows command line:

set http_proxy=http://[user]:[pass]@[proxy_ip]:[proxy_port]/ set https_proxy=http://[user]:[pass]@[proxy_ip]:[proxy_port]/

...then navigate to and download the GitHub certificate (I set the name as goland_cert.cer) execute the OpenSSL command to export this to PEM format

openssl x509 -inform der -in goland_cert.cer -out goland_cert.pem

...finally set the certificate in git global config

git config --global http.sslCAInfo C:/Users/[User]/certs/golang_cert.pem


git config [--global] http.proxy git config [--global] https.proxy


标签: go