I have a query that looks like this:
SELECT last_name,
FROM names
WHERE last_name IN ('smith', 'jones', 'brown')
I need to be able to parameterize the list in the IN clause to write it as a JDBC PreparedStatement. This list could contain any number of names in it.
Is the correct way to do this:
SELECT last_name,
FROM names
WHERE last_name IN (?)
and then build a list of parameters? Or is there a better (more correct) way to do that?
In short, you can't out of the box. However, with Spring you can do what you want. See How to generate a dynamic "in (...)" sql list through Spring JdbcTemplate?
Standard SQL doesn't allow the IN
clause to be parameterized into a single variable -- only dynamic SQL, the SQL query being constructed as a string prior to execution with the comma separated list of values is supported.
I'm going to research this topic, as well. I've been guilty of writing similar code and never felt 100% comfortable with it. I suppose I'd like to find something on "variable SQL parameter lists".
In code, using hibernate, and given a String of comma-delimited order Ids, I've used:
Session s = getSession();
Criteria crit = s.createCriteria(this.getOrderListingClass());
crit.add(Expression.sql(String.format("{alias}.orderId in (%s)", orderIds)));
crit.add(Expression.eq("status", OrderInfo.Order_STATUS_UNFILLED));
orders = crit.list();
Whereas orderId is really part of a "SELECT x FROM y WHERE IN (%s)".
I did run the orderIds String through a validator prior to passing it to hibernate - being fearful of injections, etc.
Something else that I've been meaning to do is check the limit on SQL parameters and number of characters in the query. I seem to recall hitting a limit somewhere around 2000+ (with MS SQL). That's something to consider if you go with this approach.
I think this is kludgy... to be passing off that many Ids in a Where-clause, but it's a section of code that needs refactoring. Thankfully, the use case has only seen a handful of Ids queried at any one time.
You could also construct your query as a stored procedure that takes the parameterized list as a varchar. For example, in sql server:
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.[procedure_name]
SET @SQL = '
SELECT last_name,
FROM names
WHERE last_name IN (' + @IN_LIST + ')'
Just make sure your @IN_LIST is formatted as a string that includes the single quotes and commas. For example in java:
String inList = "'smith','jones','brown'";
If You use MS SQL Server, try reshape your TSQL to use UDF, Maybe this my post can help You