I'm trying to run NuGet on Linux (Ubuntu 12). I have Mono 3.0.6 (compiled from source).
$ mono --runtime=v4.0.30319 .nuget/NuGet.exe update -self
Checking for updates from https://nuget.org/api/v2/.
Error getting response stream (Write: The authentication or decryption has failed.): SendFailure
The error is due to some certificate (the nuget.org one most likely) not being trusted, I gather. This blog post has more details.
So I've run:
$ mozroots --import --sync
$ certmgr -ssl https://go.microsoft.com
$ certmgr -ssl https://nugetgallery.blob.core.windows.net
$ certmgr -ssl https://nuget.org
... to no avail.
NuGet Version is (although I started out with some older version that also did not work either).
How can I fix this error?