I found this xgoogle python modules http://github.com/pkrumins/xgoogle, very interesting. How exactly should i include or install these files in linux??
if i want to do something like this using xgoogle python module?
>>from xgoogle.search import GoogleSearch
I know that we can use from, import to use modules, but to include an external module, what should i do? Should i need to install module or what?
You could either do the usual install dance:
python setup.py install
or simply include the files in a known directory and include that directory in the PYTHONPATH:
$ export PYTHONPATH=/contains/modules:$PYTHONPATH
Here's a detailed documentation on Installing Python Modules: http://docs.python.org/install/
You can install it with other python libraries / modules, or just put it in the same repository than your project.