I am kinda stuck, I've been using Django for a while now, but I cant actually seem to find this thing out. And thats weird because it should be a simple thing.
I've been googling around and can't seem to find a solution, it maybe because it is a simple thing.
The problem is, I have a ModelForm, and it has a FileField, when I render this form with an instance of the model, and the object contains an uploaded file, I would like to show the current file, (like the admin does), but I cant seem to do that.
Neither of these techniques work:
{{ form.as_p }}
{{ field.label_tag }}
I've been searching around in the admins templates, but can't seem to find the magic. The form renders all the other data of the object correctly
Problem number 2 is that since the uploaded file doesn't show when rendering a change form with a instance of an object, the forms fail to validate when i try to save since it knows nothing about the file that was previously uploaded.
So how do you handle filefields in a change form in Django, how to show the current uploaded file, and how to validate the form.
You didn't look around well enough, the solution is a custom widget in contrib/admin/widgets.py, namely this one:
class AdminFileWidget(forms.FileInput):
A FileField Widget that shows its current value if it has one.
def __init__(self, attrs={}):
super(AdminFileWidget, self).__init__(attrs)
def render(self, name, value, attrs=None):
output = []
if value and hasattr(value, "url"):
output.append('%s <a target="_blank" href="%s">%s</a> <br />%s ' % \
(_('Currently:'), value.url, value, _('Change:')))
output.append(super(AdminFileWidget, self).render(name, value, attrs))
return mark_safe(u''.join(output))
You can use this (or an adapted version) using the widgets meta option of ModelForms.
As far as I know your second problem shouldn't be there at all, even without a nicer widget, let it know if it still persists after using a custom widget.
I don't think beruic's answer get enough attention as a comment, but he really got this since Django now fixes this automatically.
"A normal ClearableFileInput from Django.forms does it for me."
See example below.
class PosterForm(forms.ModelForm):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(PosterForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class Meta:
model = Poster
fields = ('title', 'img')
widgets = {
'img' : forms.ClearableFileInput(),
'title' : forms.TextInput()
I use this snippet to display ImageFields (with extra checkbox to delete them). Not sure how to display non image fields but maybe this snippet will give you some inspiration.