host.activity is my package and host.framework.ServicePromemoria is an android service.
What does this error mean?
host.activity is my package and host.framework.ServicePromemoria is an android service.
What does this error mean?
This means that your service is doing a rather long operation (most ANRs are from operations greater than 5 seconds) and is doing it on the UI thread. This could be a network task, or a database task, or some other long operation.
You can fix this by running the task in a service off the main UI thread, by using a Thread or an AsyncTask.
Infact, you can directly start your service into a new thread as follows:
Thread t = new Thread(){
public void run(){
new Intent(getApplicationContext(), YourService.class),
Also, cache the value returned by bindservice, if any, if you require it for later use.
Although there is an accepted answer but I want do add something additional here .The reason "Application Not Responding (ANR) executing service android" is that your Service does not finished it's lifecycle call (like onCreate) during the timeout . and the default timeout for a normal service is 20s . if you need an block operate in a Servcie onCreate you need start a new Thread or you can just use the IntentService .