
Converting Quick BASIC to VB.Net - Random Access F

2019-05-15 20:46发布


I'm trying to convert an old Quick BASIC program to VB.Net. There doesn't appear to be any direct replacement for the old file statements. Building a database seems like overkill for my simple needs.

How can I do the following in VB.Net?

OPEN "test.dat" FOR RANDOM AS #1 LEN = 20
FIELD #1, 10 AS a$, 10 AS b$
LSET a$ = "One"
LSET b$ = "Two"
PUT #1, 1
GET #1, 1
PRINT a$, b$


The Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileOpen, FilePut, and FileGet statements should be pretty direct replacements for most of your code above.

    Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileOpen(1, "test.dat", OpenMode.Random, OpenAccess.ReadWrite, OpenShare.Shared)

    Dim output As New Fields

    output.A = "One"
    output.B = "Two"

    Microsoft.VisualBasic.FilePut(1, output, 1)

    Dim input As New Fields

    Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileGet(1, input, 1)

    Debug.WriteLine("A = " & input.A & "; B = " & input.B)
