Fruit[] data = new[] {
new Fruit {Name = "Gala",Type = "Apple",Price = 0.75m,Quantity = 10},
new Fruit {Name = "Granny Smith",Type = "Apple",Price = 0.80m,Quantity = 7},
new Fruit {Name = "Tasty",Type = "Strawberries",Price = 1.90m,Quantity = 20}
var grouped = from fruit in data
group fruit by fruit.Type;
type is : System.Linq.GroupedEnumerable<ConsoleApplication15.Fruit,string,ConsoleApplication15.Fruit>
have a look on it :
my question :
if grouped contains items ( implements ienumerable ) - why its type is GroupedEnumerable
and not
IEnumerable <System.Linq.IGrouping<string,ConsoleApplication15.Fruit>>
why did they create a new Type aka GroupedEnumerable