I'm trying to call:
peerConn.addIceCandidate (where peerConn is an instance of RtcPeerConnection)
and I'm getting:
NotSupportedError: Internal Dartium Exception
Is addIceCandidate supported? And what is the status of WebRTC in Dartium?
I'm trying to call:
peerConn.addIceCandidate (where peerConn is an instance of RtcPeerConnection)
and I'm getting:
NotSupportedError: Internal Dartium Exception
Is addIceCandidate supported? And what is the status of WebRTC in Dartium?
There exists a issue on the Dart bug tracker regarding this problem:
Issue 15008 - RtcPeerConnection.addIceCandidate results in a NotSupportedError: Internal Dartium Exception
It seems that (at the moment) the only workaround is to use dart2js with Chrome...
The newest Versions (bleeding edge) seem to fix this problem. You can download them right here.