In Swift you can check the class type of an object using 'is'. How can I incorporate this into a 'switch' block?
I think it's not possible, so I'm wondering what is the best way around this.
TIA, Peter.
In Swift you can check the class type of an object using 'is'. How can I incorporate this into a 'switch' block?
I think it's not possible, so I'm wondering what is the best way around this.
TIA, Peter.
You absolutely can use is
in a switch
block. See "Type Casting for Any and AnyObject" in the Swift Programming Language (though it's not limited to Any
of course). They have an extensive example:
for thing in things {
switch thing {
case 0 as Int:
println("zero as an Int")
case 0 as Double:
println("zero as a Double")
case let someInt as Int:
println("an integer value of \(someInt)")
case let someDouble as Double where someDouble > 0:
println("a positive double value of \(someDouble)")
// here it comes:
case is Double:
println("some other double value that I don't want to print")
case let someString as String:
println("a string value of \"\(someString)\"")
case let (x, y) as (Double, Double):
println("an (x, y) point at \(x), \(y)")
case let movie as Movie:
println("a movie called '\(', dir. \(movie.director)")
println("something else")
Putting up the example for "case is - case is Int, is String:" operation, where multiple cases can be used clubbed together to perform the same activity for Similar Object types. Here "," separating the types in case is operating like a OR operator.
switch value{
case is Int, is String:
if value is Int{
Demo Link
In case you don't have a value, just any class:
func testIsString(aClass: AnyClass) {
switch aClass {
case is NSString.Type:
testIsString(NSString.self) //->true
let value: NSString = "some string value"
testIsString(value.dynamicType) //->true
I like this syntax:
switch thing {
case _ as Int: print("thing is Int")
case _ as Double: print("thing is Double")
since it gives you the possibility to extend the functionality fast, like this:
switch thing {
case let myInt as Int: print("\(myInt) is Int")
case _ as Double: print("thing is Double")