The following code works fine if the number of devices I send to is 2 - i.e., they both receive the push notifications. But if I raise that limit to 100, no push notifications are received.
I have read up on this and it looks like I am sending the batch notifications correctly (i.e., multiple requests via a single connection); the timeout of the connection is set nice and high (60 seconds); the output of the code all looks in order; nothing in the apache error log, so I don't see where the problem is.
My customer's getting really hacked off. Can anyone help??
function sendIosPushes() {
$payload['aps'] = array('alert' => pushMessage, 'badge' => badgeNumber, 'sound' => 'default');
$payload = json_encode($payload);
//$statement = "SELECT * FROM push_ios WHERE device_token = 'device token of my iphone" OR device_token = 'device token of my ipod'; //works selecting my two devices from table
$statement = "SELECT * FROM push_ios"; //doesn't work when selecting all devices from table
$streamContext = stream_context_create();
stream_context_set_option($streamContext, 'ssl', 'local_cert', apnsCert);
$connectTimeout = 60;
$apns = stream_socket_client('ssl://' . apnsHost . ':' . apnsPort, $error, $errorString, $connectTimeout, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT|STREAM_CLIENT_PERSISTENT, $streamContext);
$numDevices = 0;
$numRequestsSent = 0;
$result = mysql_query($statement);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
try {
$deviceToken = $row['device_token'];
//$apnsMessage = chr(0) . chr(0) . chr(32) . pack('H*', $deviceToken) . chr(0) . chr(strlen($payload)) . $payload;
$apnsMessage = chr(0) . pack('n', 32) . pack('H*', $deviceToken) . pack('n', strlen($payload)) . $payload; //from
$fwriteRes = fwrite($apns, $apnsMessage, strlen($apnsMessage));
echo "Push sent to " . $deviceToken . "<br />\n";
catch(Exception $e) {
echo "1. Exception: " . $e->getMessage() . "<br />\n";
if ($error != 0 || (isset($errorString) && strlen($errorString) > 0 )) {
echo "ERROR: " . $error . " - ". $errorString . "<br />\n";
return $numDevices . " iOS devices. " . $numRequestsSent . " requests sent.";