How is it possible to send email with log when something wrong in console command? Currently I've configured my app to send emails from web interface and it works correctly. Swiftmailer spool is disabled. My config is:
type: fingers_crossed
action_level: critical
handler: grouped
type: group
members: [streamed, buffered]
type: stream
path: "%kernel.logs_dir%/%kernel.environment%.log"
level: debug
type: buffer
handler: swift
type: swift_mailer
subject: An Error Occurred!
level: debug
When I try to execute php app/console test:exception-command -e prod
which throws exception no email sends.
I had the same problem, and after a couple of attempts I got a solution.
The problem is the spool in swiftmailer, it was configured as memory so I changed it to file
# app/config/config.yml
transport: %mailer_transport%
username: %mailer_user%
password: %mailer_password%
type: file
path: "%kernel.root_dir%/spool"
Then I called the logger in the command
$this->logger = $this->getContainer()->get('logger');
And after the command I called the swiftmailer command to send pending emails
app/console swiftmailer:spool:send --env=prod
It should send emails with the spool disabled in your swiftmailer config, this should cause emails to be sent out immediately rather than be spooled and your command uses the logger.
If you want to use the memory spool you can flush the queue in your command's execute methods.
* force emails to be sent out at the end of execute
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
$container = $this->getContainer();
$logger = $container->get('logger');
$logger->critical('My Critical Error Message');
$mailer = $container->get('mailer');
$spool = $mailer->getTransport()->getSpool();
$transport = $container->get('swiftmailer.transport.real');
If you are wanting to log Uncaught Exceptions you will have to configure a console event to work with the logger.
For Symfony < 2.3
There is another possibility, overwrite the Application class the following class could help,
this application class activates logger for the console and logs autoexists
namespace Acme\LoggingBundle\Console;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Console\Application as BaseApplication;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\IntrospectableContainerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Log\LoggerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\KernelInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput;
class Application extends BaseApplication
private $originalAutoExit;
public function __construct(KernelInterface $kernel)
$this->originalAutoExit = true;
* Runs the current application.
* @param InputInterface $input An Input instance
* @param OutputInterface $output An Output instance
* @return integer 0 if everything went fine, or an error code
* @throws \Exception When doRun returns Exception
* @api
public function run(InputInterface $input = null, OutputInterface $output = null)
// make the parent method throw exceptions, so you can log it
// store the autoExit value before resetting it - you'll need it later
$autoExit = $this->originalAutoExit;
if (null === $input) {
$input = new ArgvInput();
if (null === $output) {
$output = new ConsoleOutput();
try {
$statusCode = parent::run($input, $output);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
/** @var $logger LoggerInterface */
$container = $this->getKernel()->getContainer();
$logger = null;
if($container instanceof IntrospectableContainerInterface){
$logger = $container->get('logger');
$message = sprintf(
'%s: %s (uncaught exception) at %s line %s while running console command `%s`',
if ($output instanceof ConsoleOutputInterface) {
$this->renderException($e, $output->getErrorOutput());
} else {
$this->renderException($e, $output);
$statusCode = $e->getCode();
$statusCode = is_numeric($statusCode) && $statusCode ? $statusCode : 1;
if ($autoExit) {
if ($statusCode > 255) {
$statusCode = 255;
// log non-0 exit codes along with command name
if ($statusCode !== 0) {
/** @var $logger LoggerInterface */
$container = $this->getKernel()->getContainer();
$logger = null;
if($container instanceof IntrospectableContainerInterface){
$logger = $container->get('logger');
$logger->warn(sprintf('Command `%s` exited with status code %d', $this->getCommandName($input), $statusCode));
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
return $statusCode;
public function setAutoExit($bool)
// parent property is private, so we need to intercept it in a setter
$this->originalAutoExit = (Boolean) $bool;
Then use it in app/console
//use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Console\Application;
use Acme\UltimateLoggingBundle\Console\Application;
At least remove app/cache/* directories app/console cache:clear was not enough