How to get equal width of input and select fields

2019-01-10 01:16发布


On the form, I have one select and two input fields. These elements are vertically aligned. Unfortunately, I can't get equal width of these elements.

Here's my code:

<select name="name1" style="width:198px">
<input type="text" name="id1" style="width:193px"><br/>
<input type="text" name="id2" style="width:193px">

For above example, the best width for select element is 198 or 199 px (of course I tried 193px, but the difference is major). I think, it depends on resolution, on various computers and browsers since these elements don't have equal widths (sometimes I thinks difference is about 1 or 2 px). I've tried to set these elements in div or table rows, but it doesn't help.

Q: How could I get precisely equal width of these elements?


Updated answer

Here is how to change the box model used by the input/textarea/select elements so that they all behave the same way. You need to use the box-sizing property which is implemented with a prefix for each browser


This means that the 2px difference we mentioned earlier does not exist..

example at

note: On IE it works from version 8 and upwards..


if you reset their borders then the select element will always be 2 pixels less than the input elements..



I tried Gaby's answer (+1) above but it only partially solved my problem. Instead I used the following CSS, where content-box was changed to border-box:

input, select {
    -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
       -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
            box-sizing: border-box;


Add this code in css:

 select, input[type="text"]{


create another class and increase the with size with 2px example

width:278px !important; 

width:280px !important; 