I would like to change the creation date of the files that I generate with this script :
$clientname = Read-Host "Enter the client name"
$path = Read-Host "Enter the complete path of .bak files"
$time = "01-00-00"
$space = " "
for ($i = 0; $i -lt 7;$i++)
$date = (Get-Date).AddDays(-1-$i).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd')
New-Item -ItemType file $path$clientname$space$date$space$time.bak
So it gives me theses files :
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a--- 16/08/2013 16:55 0 client 2013-08-15 01-00-00.bak
-a--- 16/08/2013 16:55 0 client 2013-08-14 01-00-00.bak
-a--- 16/08/2013 16:55 0 client 2013-08-13 01-00-00.bak
-a--- 16/08/2013 16:55 0 client 2013-08-12 01-00-00.bak
-a--- 16/08/2013 16:55 0 client 2013-08-11 01-00-00.bak
-a--- 16/08/2013 16:55 0 client 2013-08-10 01-00-00.bak
-a--- 16/08/2013 16:55 0 client 2013-08-09 01-00-00.bak
I want to modify the LastWriteTime property of each files, I want it to be the same as the date in the file name.
Example for this file "client 2013-08-15 01-00-00.bak"
the LastWriteTime will be "15/08/2013 01:00"
I'm stuck and I do not how can we do that
Thank you