How to pass in password to pg_dump?

2019-01-09 23:39发布


I'm trying to create a cronjob to back up my database every night before something catastrophic happens. It looks like this command should meet my needs:

0 3 * * * pg_dump dbname | gzip > ~/backup/db/$(date +%Y-%m-%d).psql.gz

Except after running that, it expects me to type in a password. I can't do that if I run it from cron. How can I pass one in automatically?


Create a .pgpass file in the home directory of the account that pg_dump will run as. See Postgresql documentation libpq-pgpass for details of the format (including the last paragraph where it explains it will be ignored if you don't set the mode to 0600).


Or you can set up crontab to run a script. Inside that script you can set an environment variable like this: export PGPASSWORD="$put_here_the_password"

This way if you have multiple commands that would require password you can put them all in the script. If the password changes you only have to change it in one place (the script).

And I agree with Joshua, using pg_dump -Fc generates the most flexible export format and is already compressed. For more info see: pg_dump documentation


# dump the database in custom-format archive
pg_dump -Fc mydb > db.dump

# restore the database
pg_restore -d newdb db.dump


If you want to do it in one command:

PGPASSWORD="mypass" pg_dump mydb > mydb.dump


For a one-liner, like migrating a database you can use --dbname followed by a connection string (including the password) as stated in the pg_dump manual

In essence.

pg_dump --dbname=postgresql://username:password@

Note: Make sure that you use the option --dbname instead of the shorter -d and use a valid URI prefix, postgresql:// or postgres://.

The general URI form is:


Best practice in your case (repetitive task in cron) this shouldn't be done because of security issues. If it weren't for .pgpass file I would save the connection string as an environment variable.

export MYDB=postgresql://username:password@

then have in your crontab

0 3 * * * pg_dump --dbname=$MYDB | gzip > ~/backup/db/$(date +%Y-%m-%d).psql.gz


$ PGPASSWORD="mypass" pg_dump -i -h localhost -p 5432 -U username -F c -b -v -f dumpfilename.dump databasename


@Josue Alexander Ibarra answer works on centos 7 and version 9.5 if --dbname is not passed.

pg_dump postgresql://username:password@ 


Correct me if I'm wrong, but if the system user is the same as the database user, PostgreSQL won't ask for the password - it relies on the system for authentication. This might be a matter of configuration.

Thus, when I wanted the database owner postgres to backup his databases every night, I could create a crontab for it: crontab -e -u postgres. Of course, postgres would need to be allowed to execute cron jobs; thus it must be listed in /etc/cron.allow, or /etc/cron.deny must be empty.


Backup over ssh with password using temporary .pgpass credentials and push to S3:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
cd "$(dirname "$0")"


if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
    echo "Error: 2 arguments required"
    echo "Usage:"
    echo " <DB-name> <password>"
    echo "  <DB-name> = The name of the DB to backup"
    echo "  <password> = The DB password, which is also used for GPG encryption of the backup file"
    echo "Example:"
    echo " my_db my_password"
    exit 1


echo "set remote PG password .."
echo "$DB_HOST:5432:$DATABASE:$DB_USER:$PASSWORD" | ssh "$SSH_HOST" "cat > ~/.pgpass; chmod 0600 ~/.pgpass"
echo "backup over SSH and gzip the backup .."
ssh "$SSH_HOST" "pg_dump -U $DB_USER -h $DB_HOST -C --column-inserts $DATABASE" | gzip > ./tmp.gz
echo "unset remote PG password .."
echo "*********" | ssh "$SSH_HOST" "cat > ~/.pgpass"
echo "encrypt the backup .."
gpg --batch --passphrase "$PASSWORD" --cipher-algo AES256 --compression-algo BZIP2 -co "$DATABASE.sql.gz.gpg" ./tmp.gz

# Backing up to AWS obviously requires having your credentials to be set locally
# EC2 instances can use instance permissions to push files to S3
DATETIME=`date "+%Y%m%d-%H%M%S"`
aws s3 cp ./"$DATABASE.sql.gz.gpg" s3://"$BUCKET_PATH"/"$DATABASE"/db/"$DATETIME".sql.gz.gpg
# s3 is cheap, so don't worry about a little temporary duplication here
# "latest" is always good to have because it makes it easier for dev-ops to use
aws s3 cp ./"$DATABASE.sql.gz.gpg" s3://"$BUCKET_PATH"/"$DATABASE"/db/latest.sql.gz.gpg

echo "local clean-up .."
rm ./tmp.gz
rm "$DATABASE.sql.gz.gpg"

echo "-----------------------"
echo "To decrypt and extract:"
echo "-----------------------"
echo "gpg -d ./$DATABASE.sql.gz.gpg | gunzip > tmp.sql"

Just substitute the first couple of config lines with whatever you need - obviously. For those not interested in the S3 backup part, take it out - obviously.

This script deletes the credentials in .pgpass afterward because in some environments, the default SSH user can sudo without a password, for example an EC2 instance with the ubuntu user, so using .pgpass with a different host account in order to secure those credential, might be pointless.


This one liner helps me while creating dump of a single database.

PGPASSWORD="yourpassword" pg_dump -U postgres -h localhost mydb > mydb.pgsql


As detailed in this blog post , there are two ways to non interactively provide a password to PostgreSQL utilities such as the "pg_dump" command: using the ".pgpass" file or using the "PGPASSWORD" environment variable.


Another (probably not secure) way to pass password is using input redirection i.e. calling

pg_dump [params] < [path to file containing password]


the easiest way in my opinion, this: you edit you main postgres config file: pg_hba.conf there you have to add the following line:

host <you_db_name> <you_db_owner> trust

and after this you need start you cron thus:

pg_dump -h -U <you_db_user> <you_db_name> | gzip > /backup/db/$(date +%Y-%m-%d).psql.gz

and it worked without password