
Why does Perl's LWP gives me a different encod

2019-05-13 17:43发布


Lets say i have this code:

use strict;
use LWP qw ( get );

my $content = get ( "http://www.msn.co.il" );

print STDERR $content;

The error log shows something like "\xd7\x9c\xd7\x94\xd7\x93\xd7\xa4\xd7\xa1\xd7\x94" which i'm guessing it's utf-16 ?

The website's encoding is with

<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=windows-1255">

so why these characters appear and not the windows-1255 chars ?

And, another weird thing is that i have two servers:

the first server returning CP1255 chars and i can simply convert it to utf8, and the current server gives me these chars and i can't do anything with it ...

is there any configuration file in apache/perl/module that is messing up the encoding ? forcing something ... ?

The result in my website at the second server, is that the perl file and the headers are all utf8, so when i write text that aren't english chars, the content from the example above is showing ok ( even though it's weird utf chars ) but my own static text are look like "×ס'××ר××:"

One more thing that i tested is ...

Through perl:

my $content = `curl "http://www.anglo-saxon.co.il"`;    

I get utf8 encoding.

Through Bash:

curl "http://www.anglo-saxon.co.il"

and here i get CP1255 ( Windows-1255 ) encoding ...

Also, when i run the script in bash - it gives CP1255, and when run it through the web - then it's utf8 again ...

fixed the problem by changin the content from utf8 - to what is supposed to, and then back to utf8:

use Text::Iconv;

my $converter = Text::Iconv->new("utf8", "CP1255");

my $converter = Text::Iconv->new("CP1255", "utf8");


The string with the hex values that you gave appears to be a UTF-8 encoding. You are getting this because Perl ‘likes to’ use UTF-8 when it deals with strings. The LWP::Simple->get() method automatically decodes the content from the server which includes undoing any Content-Encoding as well as converting to UTF-8.

You could dig into the internals and get a version that does change the character encoding (see HTTP::Message's decoded_content, which is used by HTTP::Response's decoded_content, which you can get from LWP::UserAgent's get). But it may be easier to re-encode the the data in your desired encoding with something like

use Encode; 
$cp1255_bytes = encode('CP1255', decode('UTF_8', $utf8_bytes));

The mixed readable/garbage characters you see are due to mixing multiple, incompatible encodings in the same stream. Probably the stream is labeled as UTF-8 but you are putting CP1255 encoded characters into it. You either need to label the stream as CP1255 and put only CP1255-encoded data into it, or label it as UTF-8 and put only UTF-8-encoded data into it. Remind yourself that bytes are not characters and convert between them appropriately.


All of this manual encoding and decoding is unnecessary. The HTML is lying to you when it says that the page is encoded in windows-1255; the server says it's serving UTF-8, and it is. Blame Microsoft HTML-generation tools.

Anyway, since the server does return the correct encoding, this works:

my $response = LWP::UserAgent->new->get("http://www.msn.co.il/");
my $content = $res->decoded_content;

$content is now a perl character string, ready to do whatever you need. If you want to convert it to some other encoding, then calling Encode::encode on it is appropriate; do not use Encode::decode as it's already been decoded once.


http://www.msn.co.il is in UTF-8, and indicates that properly. The string "\xd7\x9c\xd7\x94\xd7\x93\xd7\xa4\xd7\xa1\xd7\x94" is also proper UTF-8 (להדפסה). I don't see the problem.

I think your second problem is due to you mixing different encodings (UTF-8 and Windows-1252). You might want to encode/decode your strings properly.


First, note that you should import get from LWP::Simple. Second, everything works fine with:

use strict; use warnings;
use LWP::Simple qw ( getstore );
getstore 'http://www.msn.co.il', 'test.html';

which indicates to me that the problem is the encoding of the filehandle to which you are sending the output.