通过图像API谷歌搜索?通过图像API谷歌搜索?(Google Search by Image AP

2019-05-13 12:37发布

for my job, I'm looking into an idea in which people would use Google Search by Image and use any celebrity photo they find. Google would return the results and then on our end, a there'd be a database of professionals showing how to get that specific look.

I'm assuming this is extremely unlikely to do, based on that users could use ANY photo.

So, is there a way that I could have about 100 or so celebrity photos that Google Image results could compare to and then choose the one that is closest.


  1. Drag drop photo of Britney Spears
  2. Google searches with that image
  3. Google's results compare the top images with our 100, and selects the closest match.
  4. User gets to see video of how to get Britney Spears look.

I'm not a programmer, but looking for some API or Search by Image extension that could make this remotely possible for the programmers here at my job. Does something like that (a search by image api) exist? The best I could find was just the support page, which is hardly of any help: http://support.google.com/images/bin/answer.py?hl=en&p=searchbyimagepage&answer=1325808

Answer 1:

遗憾地说,但谷歌图像API被弃用 :


相当肯定有一些替代品( http://www.tineye.com/和http://mrisa.mage.me.uk )

更新(2013年):现在有谷歌自定义搜索 ,让搜索图像。

Answer 2:


https://www.google.com/searchbyimage?site=search&sa=X&image_url= YOUR_IMAGE_URL



Answer 3:

您可以通过www.images.google.com做到这一点,但只有从浏览器(您可以上传自己的图片,并将其与类似)。 我正在从代码做(而不是从浏览器)。

Answer 4:

这些答案都比较陈旧,但问题在搜索中出现。 因此, 谷歌视觉API有“网络检测”功能,做一个反向图像搜索。 每月第1000个请求是免费的,$ 3.50 / 1000之后。

Answer 5:

我认为, 谷歌的Web检测可能是您的解决方案。 从谷歌图像搜索永久移动它

文章来源: Google Search by Image API?