iOS 6 iPhone 5 App NOT fullscreen in Phonegap Buil

2019-05-13 12:36发布


Hey all i am running my app and it seems to be fullscreen on my android device but it has the black bars on top/bottom on the iPhone 5.... What settings do i need to set for those to work?

The way my app looks on my android is this:

And the way it looks on my iPhone 5 is this:


For your app add the default image for the iphone 5, Default-568h@2x.png. That automatically gets rid of the bars.


to give a bit more detail, add this line, and the corresponding image to your config.xml file:

<gap:splash src="images/Default-568h@2x.png" gap:platform="ios" width="640" height="1136" />


It happens also when Launch Screen File is not specified. Go to

Target Setting --> General --> App Icons and Launch Images --> Launch Screen File --> (select) Main.Storyboard.
