What is the replacement for the deprecated “with-q

2019-05-13 05:12发布


I am migrating my code that currently uses clojure/java.jdbc 0.2.0 to the new 0.3.0 API.

There are a lot of newly deprecated functions in the 0.3.0 API.

I have been using "with-query-results" extensively but this is now deprecated, so what is the direct replacement function to use to get equivalent behaviour to this?

(defn get-user [username]
  (jdbc/with-connection db
    (jdbc/with-query-results results
      ["select username, password, roles from users where username = ?" username]
        (empty? results)
          (first results)))))

I know that "with-connection" is no longer needed, but after that the available documentation is very unclear to me.


Processing resultsets can now be done within the scope of the top level java.jdbc functions through two new named parameters: :row-fn and :result-set-fn. The first transforms each row, the second the collection of rows. If the :result-set-fn returns a lazy sequence, you will get a connection or resultset closed exception when using it later. The default :result-set-fn is doall. When using your own, make sure it is realized.

(query db
       ["select firstname, lastname from users where username = ?" username]
       :row-fn #(str (% :firstname) \space (% :lastname))
       :resultset-fn first)


I assume you want something like:

(let [results (jdbc/query db ["select ..." ...] :as-arrays? true)]

See here or in the respective documentation.

标签: jdbc clojure