为什么升压属性树write_json保存所有的字符串? 是否有可能改变这种状况? 为什么升压属性

2019-05-13 05:34发布

我想使用boost属性树write_json序列化,这样可以节省一切为字符串,这并不是说数据是错误的,但我需要每次都明确地投下他们,我想别的地方使用它们。 (如在Python或其它C ++ JSON(非升压)库)


boost::property_tree::ptree root, arr, elem1, elem2;
elem1.put<int>("key0", 0);
elem1.put<bool>("key1", true);
elem2.put<float>("key2", 2.2f);
elem2.put<double>("key3", 3.3);
arr.push_back( std::make_pair("", elem1) );
arr.push_back( std::make_pair("", elem2) );
root.put_child("path1.path2", arr);

std::stringstream ss;
write_json(ss, root);
std::string my_string_to_send_somewhare_else = ss.str();

my_string_to_send_somewhere_else是某事。 像这样:

    "path1" :
       "path2" :
                 "key0" : "0",
                 "key1" : "true"
                 "key2" : "2.2",
                 "key3" : "3.3"

反正是有其保存为值,比如: "key1" : true"key2" : 2.2

Answer 1:


我写我自己write_json功能(简单地复制文件, json_parser.hppjson_parser_write.hpp到我的项目),并在修改以下行json_parser_write.hpp

  1. 注释行37 - 逃避报价'“
  2. 更改后的行76 -这样它不添加引号了: stream << Ch('"') << data << Ch('"'); ==> stream << data; stream << Ch('"') << data << Ch('"'); ==> stream << data;


template <typename T>
struct my_id_translator
    typedef T internal_type;
    typedef T external_type;

    boost::optional<T> get_value(const T &v) { return  v.substr(1, v.size() - 2) ; }
    boost::optional<T> put_value(const T &v) { return '"' + v +'"'; }


elem2.put<std::string>("key2", "asdf", my_id_translator<std::string>());


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>

#include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp>

#include "property_tree/json_parser.hpp" // copied the headers

template <typename T>

struct my_id_translator
    typedef T internal_type;
    typedef T external_type;

    boost::optional<T> get_value(const T &v) { return  v.substr(1, v.size() - 2) ; }
    boost::optional<T> put_value(const T &v) { return '"' + v +'"'; }

int main(int, char *[])
    using namespace std;
    using boost::property_tree::ptree;
    using boost::property_tree::basic_ptree;
        ptree root, arr,elem2;
        basic_ptree<std::string, std::string> elem1;
        elem1.put<int>("int", 10 );
        elem1.put<bool>("bool", true);
        elem2.put<double>("double", 2.2);
        elem2.put<std::string>("string", "some string", my_id_translator<std::string>());

        arr.push_back( std::make_pair("", elem1) );
        arr.push_back( std::make_pair("", elem2) );
        root.put_child("path1.path2", arr);

        std::stringstream ss;
        write_json(ss, root);
        std::string my_string_to_send_somewhere_else = ss.str();

        cout << my_string_to_send_somewhere_else << endl;

    catch (std::exception & e)
        cout << e.what();
    return 0;


                "int": 10,
                "bool": true
                "double": 2.2,
                "string": "some string"

Answer 2:

升压确认其实施没有100%符合标准的JSON。 查看以下链接看到自己的解释: 制作,保留JSON类型的一个ptree中变体是未来的计划,但不远了。 !

Answer 3:


static string buildGetOrdersCommand() {
    ptree root;
    ptree element;
    element.put<string>("pendingOnly", ":pendingOnly");
    element.put<string>("someIntValue", ":someIntValue");

    root.put("command", "getOrders");
    root.put_child("arguments", element);

    std::ostringstream buf;
    write_json(buf, root, false);
    buf << std::endl;

    string json = buf.str();
    replace(json, ":pendingOnly", "true");
    replace(json, ":someIntValue", std::to_string(15));

    return json;

static void replace(string& json, const string& placeholder, const string& value) {
    boost::replace_all<string>(json, "\"" + placeholder + "\"", value);


{ “命令”: “getOrders”, “参数”:{ “pendingOnly”:真 “someIntValue”:15}}

Answer 4:

正如我们的typedef basic_ptree <的std :: string,的std :: string> ptree中; 在Boost库,提升永远连载每个值作为串并分析所有值的等效字符串。

Answer 5:

从输出JSON很显然,串行使用某种的ToString()方法的序列化一切字符串 - 也就是说,它不知道每个成员的类型,因此在封闭“”一切。


文章来源: Why does Boost property tree write_json save everything as string? Is it possible to change that?