I'm trying to standardise some data access code with my colleagues. One of the aforementioned colleagues asserts that the EntLib Data Access Block trys to cache parameters on stored proc calls.
I've had a look in reflector and there is some evidence that it could be caching them. But I don't think it does in the following situation.
public Dictionary<long, string> GetQueue(int maxItems)
var sq = new SqlDatabase(_connString.ConnectionString);
var result = new Dictionary<long, string>();
using (var cmd = (SqlCommand)sq.GetStoredProcCommand("dbo.GetQueue"))
sq.AddInParameter(cmd, "maxItems", DbType.Int32, maxItems);
var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);
while (reader.Read())
long id = reader.GetInt64(reader.GetOrdinal("id"));
string fileName = reader.GetString(reader.GetOrdinal("meta_data_filename"));
result.Add(id, fileName);
return result;
Can anyone confirm or deny this?
I'm using EntLib 4.1