After wasting too much time searching why my program doesn't execute gets() after using scanf(), I found a solution which is to use fflush(stdin) after scanf() to enable gets() to get a string.
The problem is that fflush(stdin) doesn't do what is expected from it: The program continues skipping gets() and I can't write any phrase in the console to be read.
My code is the next one:
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
char nombre[10];
char mensaje[80];
printf("Type your name:\n");
scanf("%s", nombre);
printf("Now, type a message:\n");
return 0;
If flushing std doesn't work, then try reading in the extra characters and discarding, as suggested here.
This will work:
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
char nombre[10];
char mensaje[80];
int c;
printf("Type your name:\n");
scanf("%9s", nombre);
while((c= getchar()) != '\n' && c != EOF)
/* discard */ ;
printf("Now, type a message:\n");
return 0;
Two big, major issues:
DO NOT USE fflush
ON INPUT STREAMS; the behavior of fflush
on input streams is not defined. Just because it appears to work in this situation does not mean it is correct.
- it was deprecated in the C99 standard and has been removed completely from the C2011 standard. It will (not might, will) introduce a major point of failure in your code.
It's never a good idea to follow a scanf
call with a gets
call, since gets
won't skip over any leading newlines left in the input stream by scanf
. Use scanf
to read both nombre
and mesaje
printf("Type your name:\n");
scanf("%9s", nombre);
printf("Now, type a message:\n");
scanf("%79s", mensaje);
It's a good idea to use an explicit length specifier in the scanf
call for %s
and %[
, otherwise you introduce the same security hole that gets
D'oh. I'm an idiot. If you're trying to read a string containing spaces, you can't use the %s
conversion specifier. Use the %[
conversion specifier instead:
scanf( "%79[^\n]", mensage );
That will read up to the next 79 characters or the newline, whichever comes first, and leaves the newline in the input stream.
Try this instead:
scanf("%s\n", nombre);
scanf stops at whitespace when reading a part. gets reads until the first new line. So what happens is scanf leaves behind a newline in the buffer, which gets immediately sees and thinks it was given a blank line.
If you take your original code and enter "name message", two pieces all on one line, you can see this in action - gets will still immediately return, but it will see the second part.
The \n in the scanf thing tells it to go ahead and consume that too.
Try gets(stdin);
instead of
while (fgetc(stdin) != '\n'); // seems to work