socketFd_ = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, protoType);
sentBytes = sendto(socketFd_, buf, len, 0,
(struct sockaddr *)&sa,sizeof(structsockaddr_in));
protoType = GRE
I am sending the 1000 packets in the network. If my tx packet rate is 40, i am able to see all the packet in wireshark. however when i will try to send at the rate of 100 some of the packet(3-4) will not reach in the network however sendto did not return any error. i know sendto will just put the txpacket into the queue and will not guarantee the delivery of packet in the network however from where i can get the drop packet statistics and reason for packet drop in the kernel. i have tried increasing the txqueuelen of interface to 65000 but it did not helped. how can i debug this issue?.