At our company we pull a .CSV file from the suppliers FTP server and update our product data (price, stock,..) each morning.
We wrote a cron for this task as it should run automatically.
The current script is working in most cases. However, sometimes we recieve an error: 'Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 75 bytes)'.
We use CodeIgniter with DataMapper ORM. A possible design error might be the fact that the script is working with objects instead of array's...
Each time 49000 rows are checked.
Can anyone help us find another way of doing this?
The following script is the function that runs after the files are copied.
// Include auth connection params
$udb = $this->_completeParams($db);
// Check if an update was downloaded
$supplier = new Supplier(NULL,$udb);
$cronStart = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$cronStartDate = date('Y-m-d');
//mail($this->adminMail, 'CRON', 'Gestart:' .$cronStart, $this->headerMail);
//$message .= '1: '.memory_get_usage()."\r\n";
if($supplier->import_found) {
//if(true) {
$rows = 0;
$updated = 0;
$new = 0;
//$aAvailable = array();
$message .= '<h3>Start: '.$cronStart.'</h3>' . "\r\n";
$object = new Supplier_product(NULL,$udb);
$cat = new Supplier_category(NULL, $udb);
$manu = new Supplier_manufacturer(NULL, $udb);
$auvibel = new Supplier_auvibel(NULL, $udb);
$bebat = new Supplier_bebat(NULL, $udb);
$recupel = new Supplier_recupel(NULL, $udb);
$reprobel = new Supplier_reprobel(NULL, $udb);
$files = glob($this->tempDir.'XXXXX/prices/*');
foreach($files as $file) {
$ext = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$data = ($ext == 'txt')?$this->_csvToArray($file, ';'):false;
// If the CSV data is in $data
if($data !== false) {
$totalCount = count($data);
for($i = 0; $i <= $totalCount; $i++) {
//$aAvailable[] = $data[$i]['ArtID'];
//$message .= 'loop start: '.memory_get_usage()."\r\n";
$auvibel->select('value')->where(array('art_id'=>$data[$i]['ArtID'], 'supplier_id'=>$supplier->id))->get(1);
$auvibel->value = ($auvibel->exists())?$auvibel->value:0;
$bebat->select('value')->where(array('art_id'=>$data[$i]['ArtID'], 'supplier_id'=>$supplier->id))->get(1);
$bebat->value = ($bebat->exists())?$bebat->value:0;
$recupel->select('value')->where(array('art_id'=>$data[$i]['ArtID'], 'supplier_id'=>$supplier->id))->get(1);
$recupel->value = ($recupel->exists())?$recupel->value:0;
$reprobel->select('value')->where(array('art_id'=>$data[$i]['ArtID'], 'supplier_id'=>$supplier->id))->get(1);
$reprobel->value = ($reprobel->exists())?$reprobel->value:0;
$intrastat = 0;
$data[$i]['LP_Eur'] = ($data[$i]['LP_Eur'] != '')?str_replace(',', '.', $data[$i]['LP_Eur']):0;
$data[$i]['DE_Eur'] = ($data[$i]['DE_Eur'] != '')?str_replace(',', '.', $data[$i]['DE_Eur']):0;
$data[$i]['D1_Eur'] = ($data[$i]['D1_Eur'] != '')?str_replace(',', '.', $data[$i]['D1_Eur']):0;
$data[$i]['D1_Eur'] = ($data[$i]['D2_Eur'] != '')?str_replace(',', '.', $data[$i]['D2_Eur']):0;
$data[$i]['PricePersonal_Eur'] = ($data[$i]['PricePersonal_Eur'] != '')?str_replace(',', '.', $data[$i]['PricePersonal_Eur']):0;
$data[$i]['BackorderDate'] = ($data[$i]['BackorderDate'] != '')?date('Y-m-d', strtotime($data[$i]['BackorderDate'])):NULL;
$data[$i]['ModifDate'] = ($data[$i]['ModifDate'] != '')?date('Y-m-d', strtotime($data[$i]['ModifDate'])):NULL;
if($object->exists()) {
if($object->allow_cron_update) { //if($data[$i]['ModifDate'] != $object->modified) {
// Check if category group exists
'supplier_id' => $supplier->id,
'name_a' => $data[$i]['Class1'],
'name_b' => $data[$i]['Class2'],
'name_c' => $data[$i]['Class3'],
if(!$cat->exists()) {
// Category should be added
$cat->supplier_id = $supplier->id;
$cat->name_a = $data[$i]['Class1'];
$cat->name_b = $data[$i]['Class2'];
$cat->name_c = $data[$i]['Class3'];
// Log as notification: New supplier categorie
$this->_notify('Niewe categorie',array(
'body' => $supplier->name.' heeft "'.$cat->name_a.' - '.$cat->name_b.' - '.$cat->name_c.'" als nieuwe categorie toegevoegd.',
'controller' => 'leveranciers',
'trigger' => 'new_supplier_category',
'url' => base_url().'leveranciers/item/'.$supplier->id.'/categorien',
'icon' => 'icon-truck',
'udb' => $udb,
// Check if manufacturer exists
'name' => $data[$i]['PublisherName']
if(!$manu->exists()) {
// Manufacturer should be added
$manu->name = $data[$i]['PublisherName'];
// Add the product to the database
$object->art_id = $data[$i]['ArtID'];
$object->supplier_id = $supplier->id;
$object->supplier_category_id = $cat->id;
$object->supplier_manufacturer_id = $manu->id;
$object->part_id = $data[$i]['PartID'];
$object->ean_code = $data[$i]['EanCode'];
$object->name = $data[$i]['Description'];
$object->description = NULL;
$object->version = $data[$i]['Version'];
$object->language = $data[$i]['Language'];
$object->media = $data[$i]['Media'];
$object->trend = $data[$i]['Trend'];
$object->price_group = $data[$i]['PriceGroup'];
$object->price_code = $data[$i]['PriceCode'];
$object->eur_lp = $data[$i]['LP_Eur'];
$object->eur_de = $data[$i]['DE_Eur'];
$object->eur_d1 = $data[$i]['D1_Eur'];
$object->eur_d2 = $data[$i]['D2_Eur'];
$object->eur_personal = $data[$i]['PricePersonal_Eur'];
$object->stock = $data[$i]['Stock'];
$object->backorder = ($data[$i]['BackorderDate'] != '' && !empty($data[$i]['BackorderDate']))?$data[$i]['BackorderDate']:NULL;
$object->modified = ($data[$i]['ModifDate'] != '' && !empty($data[$i]['ModifDate']))?$data[$i]['ModifDate']:NULL;
$object->flag = 'MODIFIED';
$object->auvibel = $auvibel->value;
$object->bebat = $bebat->value;
$object->intrastat = $intrastat;
$object->recupel = $recupel->value;
$object->reprobel = $reprobel->value;
elseif(($object->auvibel != $auvibel) || ($object->bebat != $bebat) || ($object->recupel != $recupel) || ($object->reprobel != $reprobel)) {
$object->auvibel = $auvibel->value;
$object->bebat = $bebat->value;
$object->intrastat = $intrastat;
$object->recupel = $recupel->value;
$object->reprobel = $reprobel->value;
else {
// Check if category group exists
'supplier_id' => $supplier->id,
'name_a' => $data[$i]['Class1'],
'name_b' => $data[$i]['Class2'],
'name_c' => $data[$i]['Class3'],
if(!$cat->exists()) {
// Category should be added
$cat->supplier_id = $supplier->id;
$cat->name_a = $data[$i]['Class1'];
$cat->name_b = $data[$i]['Class2'];
$cat->name_c = $data[$i]['Class3'];
// Log as notification: New supplier categorie
$this->_notify('Niewe categorie',array(
'body' => $supplier->name.' heeft "'.$cat->name_a.' - '.$cat->name_b.' - '.$cat->name_c.'" als nieuwe categorie toegevoegd.',
'controller' => 'leveranciers',
'trigger' => 'new_supplier_category',
'url' => '[hidden-url]'.$supplier->id.'/categorien',
'icon' => 'icon-truck',
'udb' => $udb,
// Check if manufacturer exists
'name' => $data[$i]['PublisherName']
if(!$manu->exists()) {
// Manufacturer should be added
$manu->name = $data[$i]['PublisherName'];
// Add the product to the database
$object->art_id = $data[$i]['ArtID'];
$object->supplier_id = $supplier->id;
$object->supplier_category_id = $cat->id;
$object->supplier_manufacturer_id = $manu->id;
$object->part_id = $data[$i]['PartID'];
$object->ean_code = $data[$i]['EanCode'];
$object->name = $data[$i]['Description'];
$object->description = NULL;
$object->version = (($data[$i]['Version'] != '')?$data[$i]['Version']:NULL);
$object->language = (($data[$i]['Language'] != '')?$data[$i]['Language']:NULL);
$object->media = (($data[$i]['Media'] != '')?$data[$i]['Media']:NULL);
$object->trend = (($data[$i]['Trend'] != '')?$data[$i]['Trend']:NULL);
$object->price_group = (($data[$i]['PriceGroup'] != '')?$data[$i]['PriceGroup']:NULL);
$object->price_code = (($data[$i]['PriceCode'] != '')?$data[$i]['PriceCode']:NULL);
$object->eur_lp = (($data[$i]['LP_Eur'] != '')?$data[$i]['LP_Eur']:NULL);
$object->eur_de = (($data[$i]['DE_Eur'] != '')?$data[$i]['DE_Eur']:NULL);
$object->eur_d1 = (($data[$i]['D1_Eur'] != '')?$data[$i]['D1_Eur']:NULL);
$object->eur_d2 = (($data[$i]['D2_Eur'] != '')?$data[$i]['D2_Eur']:NULL);
$object->eur_personal = $data[$i]['PricePersonal_Eur'];
$object->stock = $data[$i]['Stock'];
$object->backorder = ($data[$i]['BackorderDate'] != '' && !empty($data[$i]['BackorderDate']))?$data[$i]['BackorderDate']:NULL;
$object->modified = ($data[$i]['ModifDate'] != '' && !empty($data[$i]['ModifDate']))?$data[$i]['ModifDate']:NULL;
$object->flag = NULL;
$object->auvibel = $auvibel->value;
$object->bebat = $bebat->value;
$object->intrastat = $intrastat;
$object->recupel = $recupel->value;
$object->reprobel = $reprobel->value;
//$message .= 'loop end A: '.memory_get_usage().' - '.$i."\r\n";
//$message .= 'loop end B: '.memory_get_usage()."\r\n";
if(is_file($file)) {
//$message .= 'BEFORE MARK EOL: '.memory_get_usage()."\r\n";
* Mark products as EOL when not found in file
$eolCount = 0;
$eol = $object
->where('flag IS NULL')
->or_where('flag !=', 'EOL')
->where('supplier_id', $supplier->id)
->group_start()->where('updated IS NOT NULL')->where('updated <',$cronStart)->group_end()
->or_group_start()->where('updated IS NULL')->where('created <',$cronStart)->group_end()
$p = new Product(NULL,$udb);
foreach($eol as $i => $product) {
$product->flag = "EOL";
if($product->art_id != NULL) {
// The 'copied' products should be marked eol in the webshop!
$p->where('art_code',$product->art_id)->where('supplier_product_id', $product->id)->get();
if($p->exists()) {
$p->eol = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
//$message .= 'INSIDE MARK EOL: '.memory_get_usage()."\r\n";
//$message .= 'AFTER MARK EOL: '.memory_get_usage()."\r\n";
if($eolCount > 0) {
// Log as notification: supplier products marked EOL
$this->_notify('EOL melding',array(
'body' => "Er ".(($eolCount == 1)?'is een product':'zijn '.$eolCount.' producten')." gemarkeerd als EOL",
'controller' => 'leveranciers',
'trigger' => 'eol_supplier_product',
'url' => '[hidden-url]'.$supplier->id.'/artikels',
'icon' => 'icon-truck',
'udb' => $udb,
// After looping files build e-mail.
$message .= 'Totaal: '.$rows. "\r\n";
$message .= 'new: '.$new. "\r\n";
$message .= 'updated: '.$updated. "\r\n";
$message .= 'EOL: '.$eolCount. "\r\n";
$subject = 'Import XXXXX Update';
// No updates found
else {
$subject = 'Import XXXXX No Update Found';
$message .= "\r\n";
$message .= '<h3>Einde: '.date('Y-m-d H:i:s').'</h3>' . "\r\n";
mail($this->adminMail, $subject, $message, $this->headerMail);
// Remove import_found marker for supplier
$supplier->import_found = false;