I'm been googling for days, and all I'm getting are the same answers, but is not what I want (I will describe what I do not want later).
What I want is:
- Say I have a parent dialog that has a few CStatic child controls.
- The parent dialog uses black as its background when in focus, and gray when not in focus.
- The child static controls simply display text, but its background needs to follow the parent's background color
- I can get the child-controls to always track the parent's color, however the process of updating the color is slow and causes flicker.
- When I make the dialog to go in focus, I can see the dialog change its color from Gray to Black, then each text controls changing from Gray to Black as well.
- It's slow because it's on an embedded device.
Double buffering would not work because the parent and child has it's own paint routine, so I think it is impossible to share the same buffer. I've read that WS_EX_COMPOSITE or something works for Vista, but I am on a lower end OS.
What I do not need:
- I already understand how to override the background erase routine (that's why I am already getting the controls to update)
- I know how to use CMemDC generally, but as stated, it will not work for my case.
Any ideas, guys? I'm sure processing speed plays a part, but I strongly believe it is just a technique or setting that I am not doing it right. I remember my first PC being a 133MHz, but I don't recall Windows 95 updating controls on-by-one when their parent loses focus -- they update almost instantly. And I don't even have a good video card back then.
Please help.
Additions: - I have tried making the BkMode of the controls to be TRANSPARENT, and even use a NULL_BRUSH. All this together with ON_WM_CTLCOLOR. What I got is simply a dialog with holes, and in those holes are the control text. In other words, instead of the control's background simply weren't drawn (as expected from NULL_BRUSH), but that area wasn't covered by the dialog's paint job either. - I am thinking of removing WS_CLIPCHILDREN, but I believe that will cause the controls to be drawn over anyway, so, flicker again.