插入一个变量来cmd命令插入一个变量来cmd命令(insert a variable to cmd

2019-05-12 12:20发布


Set oShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")  
Set LabelName = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") 

LabelName = InputBox("Please Enter Label to check-out:", _
  "Create File")
oShell.run "cmd /K ""c:\Program Files (x86)\Borland\StarTeam Cross-Platform Client 2008   R2\stcmd.exe"" co -p bla:bla123@123.com:7777/bla/ -is -eol on -o -rp D:\ST_test -cfgl  3.1.006"



Answer 1:

标签并不需要是一个shell对象,因为它只是一个字符串 。 然后将字符串连接到运行命令和你做。

Set oShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")  
Dim LabelName

LabelName = InputBox("Please Enter Label to check-out:", _
  "Create File")
oShell.run "cmd /K ""c:\Program Files (x86)\Borland\StarTeam Cross-Platform Client 2008 R2\stcmd.exe"" co -p bla:bla123@123.com:7777/bla/ -is -eol on -o -rp D:\ST_test -cfgl  " & LabelName

Answer 2:

以更结构化的方式建立你的命令 - 例如:

Option Explicit

Function qq(s) : qq = """" & s & """" : End Function

Dim sLabel : sLabel   = "default label"
Dim oWAU   : Set oWAU = WScript.Arguments.Unnamed
If 1 <= oWAU.Count Then sLabel = oWAU(0)
Dim sCmd   : sCmd     = Join(Array( _
     "%comspec%" _
   , "/K" _
   , qq("c:\Program Files (x86)\Borland\StarTeam Cross-Platform Client 2008   R2\stcmd.exe") _
   , "co" _
   , "-p bla:bla123@123.com:7777/bla/" _
   , "-is -eol on -o -rp" _
   , qq(sLabel) _
WScript.Echo sCmd

并显示额外的变量SCMD。 固定(可能的)失误 -

ient 2008   R2\stcm

“关于第二个想法”加法 -

, qq(sLabel) _
, qq("D:\ST_test") _
, "-cfgl" _
, sLabel _


文章来源: insert a variable to cmd command
标签: vbscript cmd