import numpy as np
def S(x):
return 1/(1+np.exp(-x))
win = np.random.randn(2,2)
wout = np.random.randn(2,1)
eta = 0.15
# win = [[1,1], [2,2]]
# wout = [[1],[2]]
obj = [[0,0],[1,0],[0,1],[1,1]]
target = [0,1,1,0]
epoch = int(10000)
emajor = ""
for r in range(0,epoch):
for xy in range(len(target)):
tar = target[xy]
fdata = obj[xy]
fdata = S(np.dot(1,fdata))
hnw = np.dot(fdata,win)
hnw = S(np.dot(fdata,win))
out = np.dot(hnw,wout)
out = S(out)
diff = tar-out
E = 0.5 * np.power(diff,2)
emajor += str(E[0]) + ",\n"
delta_out = (out-tar)*(out*(1-out))
nindelta_out = delta_out * eta
wout_change = np.dot(nindelta_out[0], hnw)
for x in range(len(wout_change)):
change = wout_change[x]
wout[x] -= change
delta_in = np.dot(hnw,(1-hnw)) * np.dot(delta_out[0], wout)
nindelta_in = eta * delta_in
for x in range(len(nindelta_in)):
midway = np.dot(nindelta_in[x][0], fdata)
for y in range(len(win)):
win[y][x] -= midway[y]
f = open('xor.csv','w')
f.write(emajor) # python will convert \n to os.linesep
f.close() # you can omit in most cases as the destructor will call it
这是学习的回合数改变错误。 它是否正确? 红色线是我期待的错误应该怎么改线。
什么错误我做的代码? 正如我似乎无法找出是什么导致了错误。 帮助非常感谢。
这里是一个一个隐藏层网络与反向传播可定制运行具有RELU,乙状结肠和其它激活实验。 经过多次实验得出的结论是与RELU网络表现较好,达到收敛更快,而乙状结肠损失价值波动。 这是因为,“ S形的梯度变得随着x的增加而绝对值越来越小的 ”。
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from operator import xor
class neuralNetwork():
def __init__(self):
# Define hyperparameters
self.noOfInputLayers = 2
self.noOfOutputLayers = 1
self.noOfHiddenLayerNeurons = 2
# Define weights
self.W1 = np.random.rand(self.noOfInputLayers,self.noOfHiddenLayerNeurons)
self.W2 = np.random.rand(self.noOfHiddenLayerNeurons,self.noOfOutputLayers)
def relu(self,z):
return np.maximum(0,z)
def sigmoid(self,z):
return 1/(1+np.exp(-z))
def forward (self,X):
self.z2 = np.dot(X,self.W1)
self.a2 = self.relu(self.z2)
self.z3 = np.dot(self.a2,self.W2)
yHat = self.relu(self.z3)
return yHat
def costFunction(self, X, y):
#Compute cost for given X,y, use weights already stored in class.
self.yHat = self.forward(X)
J = 0.5*sum((y-self.yHat)**2)
return J
def costFunctionPrime(self,X,y):
# Compute derivative with respect to W1 and W2
delta3 = np.multiply(-(y-self.yHat),self.sigmoid(self.z3))
djw2 = np.dot(self.a2.T, delta3)
delta2 = np.dot(delta3,self.W2.T)*self.sigmoid(self.z2)
djw1 = np.dot(X.T,delta2)
return djw1,djw2
if __name__ == "__main__":
EPOCHS = 6000
SCALAR = 0.01
nn= neuralNetwork()
inputs = [ np.array([[0,0]]), np.array([[0,1]]), np.array([[1,0]]), np.array([[1,1]])]
for epoch in xrange(1,EPOCHS):
cost = 0
for i in inputs:
X = i #inputs
y = xor(X[0][0],X[0][1])
cost += nn.costFunction(X,y)[0]
djw1,djw2 = nn.costFunctionPrime(X,y)
nn.W1 = nn.W1 - SCALAR*djw1
nn.W2 = nn.W2 - SCALAR*djw2
plt.title(str('Epochs: '+str(EPOCHS)+', Scalar: '+str(SCALAR)))
inputs = [ np.array([[0,0]]), np.array([[0,1]]), np.array([[1,0]]), np.array([[1,1]])]
print "X\ty\ty_hat"
for inp in inputs:
print (inp[0][0],inp[0][1]),"\t",xor(inp[0][0],inp[0][1]),"\t",round(nn.forward(inp)[0][0],4)
X y y_hat
(0, 0) 0 0.0
(0, 1) 1 0.9997
(1, 0) 1 0.9997
(1, 1) 0 0.0005
[ [-0.81781753 0.71323677]
[ 0.48803631 -0.71286155] ]
[ [ 2.04849235]
[ 1.40170791] ]
我发现下面的YouTube系列为了解神经网络非常有帮助: 揭秘的神经网络
只有一点我知道,也可以在这个答案来解释。 如果你想要一个更好的理解神经网络的,那么我建议你去通过以下链接: cs231n:建模一个神经元
import numpy as np
def S(x):
return 1/(1+np.exp(-x))
win = np.random.randn(2,2)
wout = np.random.randn(2,1)
eta = 0.15
# win = [[1,1], [2,2]]
# wout = [[1],[2]]
obj = [[0,0],[1,0],[0,1],[1,1]]
target = [0,1,1,0]
epoch = int(10000)
emajor = ""
for r in range(0,epoch):
# ***** initialize final error *****
finalError = 0
for xy in range(len(target)):
tar = target[xy]
fdata = obj[xy]
fdata = S(np.dot(1,fdata))
hnw = np.dot(fdata,win)
hnw = S(np.dot(fdata,win))
out = np.dot(hnw,wout)
out = S(out)
diff = tar-out
E = 0.5 * np.power(diff,2)
# ***** sum all errors *****
finalError += E
delta_out = (out-tar)*(out*(1-out))
nindelta_out = delta_out * eta
wout_change = np.dot(nindelta_out[0], hnw)
for x in range(len(wout_change)):
change = wout_change[x]
wout[x] -= change
delta_in = np.dot(hnw,(1-hnw)) * np.dot(delta_out[0], wout)
nindelta_in = eta * delta_in
for x in range(len(nindelta_in)):
midway = np.dot(nindelta_in[x][0], fdata)
for y in range(len(win)):
win[y][x] -= midway[y]
# ***** Save final error *****
emajor += str(finalError[0]) + ",\n"
f = open('xor.csv','w')
f.write(emajor) # python will convert \n to os.linesep
f.close() # you can omit in most cases as the destructor will call it