in my app I'm updating some stuff if the time is between certain hours of the day which the user choose. It works fine if the user chooses something like "07-21", but not with "21-07" which is over the night.
How I'm doing to check the time is I'm getting the current hour and converting it into milliseconds. Then I check if the current milli is between the chosen hours (those are also converted into milliseconds).
Like this:
if (currentMilli >= startHourMilli && currentMilli <= endHourMilli)
The problem: It doesn't work if the user chooses anything that is over midnight (19-08 for example).
I've tried a lot of stuff but I just can't figure out how to do this.
Any help is appreciated!
Do you increase the day of the year by 1 when you're passing midnight? Otherwise your
might be greater than endHourMilli
and your if-clause will always be false.
The solution is to use the add-method
of the Calendar class. Therefore I calculate the interval's length in hours and add this value to our Calendar instance.
int start = 21; // let's take your failing example: 21-07
int end = 7;
int hours = (end - start) % 24; // here hours will be 14
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
// set calendar to TODAY 21:00:00.000
cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, start);
cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
long startHourMilli = cal.getTimeInMillis();
// add 14 hours = TOMORROW 07:00:00.000
cal.add(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, hours);
long endHourMilli = cal.getTimeInMillis();
Let me know if this helps :)
Date has the functions before and after for comparing two dates.
Hope this documentation helps you:
Best regards.
I'm answering my own question because I think I came up with something that might work for what I'm trying to do:
if(endHourMilli < startHourMilli){
if(currentMilli >= startHourMilli && currentMilli <= 23*3600000 || currentMilli >= 0 && currentMilli <= endHourMilli){
//Do whatever
if (currentMilli >= startHourMilli && currentMilli <= endHourMilli) {
//Do whatever
It should work even if endMilli is less than startMilli, or have I screwed something up here?
I know I'm a little late to the party, but recently I developed android app that needed to work within given timeframe, and since I didn't like working with Calendar
I ended up using something like this:
// if start hour is later than end hour
// example: start = 21, end = 07
int startHourMilli = 21, endHourMilli = 07;
// just add one day (in your case in millis)
if (startHourMilli > endHourMilli) endHourMilli += 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
// now here you can check without any problems
if(currentMilli >= startHourMilli && currentMilli < endHourMilli){
// within timeframe, do stuff you need
} else {
// not in timeframe, find solution
Now I know that you found yourself a solution, but I think that my approach may be a little more understandable (at least to newbies that might get confused).
You can always use simple if / else for 24 hour format, without using functions or additional calculations:
For Example1: Full time period from StartHour to StopHour(stop hour include all minutes)
int StartHour = 23; //start from 23:00
int StopHour = 9; // until current hour is 9 that will include until 9:59
int CurrentHour = 2;
if (StartHour > StopHour)
if (CurrentHour < StartHour && StopHour < CurrentHour)
{Inside = false;}
{Inside = true;}
if (CurrentHour >= StartHour && StopHour >= CurrentHour)
{Inside = true;}
{Inside = false;}
At the end if Inside == true CurrentHour is in time range StartHour - StopHour(full stop hour)
And do something else if both equal:
if (StartHour == StopHour) {..............};
For Example2: If you want to stop at this exact StopHour hour, you need some changes:
int StartHour = 23; //start from 23:00
int StopHour = 9; // this will stop after 8:59
int CurrentHour = 2;
if (StartHour2 > StopHour2)
if (Hr24 < StartHour2 && StopHour2 <= Hr24)
{Quiet = false;}
{Quiet = true;}
if (Hr24 >= StartHour2 && StopHour2 > Hr24)
{Quiet = true;}
{Quiet = false;}
At the end if Inside == true CurrentHour is in time range StartHour - StopHour(exact)
I think that ottel142 is almost ok but it shoud be:
public static boolean checkIfNight() {
int start = 21;
int end = 7;
int hours = 24 - start + end;
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, start);
cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
long startHourMilli = cal.getTimeInMillis();
cal.add(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, hours);
long endHourMilli = cal.getTimeInMillis();
long currentMilli = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis();
if (currentMilli >= startHourMilli && currentMilli <= endHourMilli)
return true;
else return false;