
拆分字符串列分成几个虚拟变量拆分字符串列分成几个虚拟变量(Split a string column

2019-05-12 05:23发布

作为data.table包在R的相对缺乏经验的用户,我已经尝试处理一个文本列成大量的指示符列(虚拟变量)的,在每列中的1指示特定子串是在字符串列内找到。 例如,我要处理这个:

ID     String  
1       a$b  
2       b$c  
3       c  


ID     String     a     b     c  
1       a$b       1     1     0  
2       b$c       0     1     1  
3        c        0     0     1  

我已经找到了如何做加工,但它需要运行较长时间比我想的,我怀疑我的代码是低效的。 我用虚拟数据编码A reproduceable版本如下。 请注意,在真实数据,有超过2000子搜索,每个子大约是30个字符长,并有可能达到几百万行。 如果需要,我可以并行,在这个问题抛出大量的资源,但我想对代码进行优化,尽可能。 我曾尝试运行Rprof,这表明没有明显的(对我)的改进。

elements_list <- c(outer(letters, letters, FUN = paste, sep = ""))  
random_string <- function(min_length, max_length, separator) {  
    selection <- paste(sample(elements_list, ceiling(runif(1, min_length, max_length))), collapse = separator)  
dt <- data.table(id = c(1:1000), messy_string = "")  
dt[ , messy_string := random_string(2, 5, "$"), by = id]  
create_indicators <- function(search_list, searched_string) {  
    y <- rep(0, length(search_list))  
    for(j in 1:length(search_list)) {  
        x <- regexpr(search_list[j], searched_string)  
        x <- x[1]  
        y[j] <- ifelse(x > 0, 1, 0)  
timer <- proc.time()  
indicators <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(dt), ncol = length(elements_list))  
for(n in 1:nrow(dt)) {  
    indicators[n, ] <- dt[n, create_indicators(elements_list, messy_string)]  
indicators <- data.table(indicators)  
setnames(indicators, elements_list)  
dt <- cbind(dt, indicators)  
proc.time() - timer  

user  system elapsed 
13.17    0.08   13.29 


感谢伟大的反应 - 所有远优于我的方法。 下面一些速度测试每个功能的结果,稍作修改使用0L和1L在我自己的代码,通过方法来存储在单独的表的结果,并以规范的顺序。 这些经过时间从单一速度测试(而不是从许多测试中位数),但较大的运行的每个需要很长的时间。

Number of rows in dt     2K      10K      50K     250K      1M   
OP                       28.6    149.2    717.0   
eddi                     5.1     24.6     144.8   1950.3  
RS                       1.8     6.7      29.7    171.9     702.5  
Original GT              1.4     7.4      57.5    809.4   
Modified GT              0.7     3.9      18.1    115.2     473.9  
GT4                      0.1     0.4      2.26    16.9      86.9

漂亮清晰,GeekTrader的方法的修改版本是最好的。 我还是什么的每一步都做得有点模糊,但我可以走了过来,在我的闲暇。 虽然有些超出原质询的范围的,如果有人想解释什么GeekTrader和里卡多萨波塔的方法更有效地做,这将是双方由我和可能是由人谁在未来访问该页面的赞赏。 我特别想了解为什么一些方法规模比别人做得更好。

***** EDIT#2 *****

我试着用此评论编辑GeekTrader的回答,但似乎没有工作。 我做了两个非常小的修改到GT3功能,a)命令的列,这增加的少量时间,和b)用0L和1L,从而加快了一点东西代替0和1。 调用产生的功能GT4。 表上述编辑以在不同的表大小添加时间GT4。 显然,通过一英里的赢家,所以它具有直观的优点。

Answer 1:


找到更快的方法。 此功能也具有很高的内存效率。 主要原因以前的功能,是因为拷贝/分配内部发生的缓慢lapply环路以及rbinding结果。


funcGT3 <- function() {
    #Get list of column names in result
    resCol <- unique(dt[, unlist(strsplit(messy_string, split="\\$"))])

    #Get dimension of result
    nresCol <- length(resCol)
    nresRow <- nrow(dt)

    #Create empty matrix with dimensions same as desired result
    mat <- matrix(rep(0, nresRow * nresCol), nrow = nresRow, dimnames = list(as.character(1:nresRow), resCol))

    #split each messy_string by $
    ll <- strsplit(dt[,messy_string], split="\\$")

    #Get coordinates of mat which we need to set to 1
    coords <- do.call(rbind, lapply(1:length(ll), function(i) cbind(rep(i, length(ll[[i]])), ll[[i]] )))

    #Set mat to 1 at appropriate coordinates
    mat[coords] <- 1    

    #Bind the mat to original data.table
    return(cbind(dt, mat))


result <- funcGT3()  #result for 1000 rows in dt
        ID   messy_string zn tc sv db yx st ze qs wq oe cv ut is kh kk im le qg rq po wd kc un ft ye if zl zt wy et rg iu
   1:    1 zn$tc$sv$db$yx  1  1  1  1  1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
   2:    2    st$ze$qs$wq  0  0  0  0  0  1  1  1  1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
   3:    3    oe$cv$ut$is  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  1  1  1  1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
   4:    4 kh$kk$im$le$qg  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  1  1  1  1  1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
   5:    5    rq$po$wd$kc  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  1  1  1  1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
 996:  996    rp$cr$tb$sa  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
 997:  997    cz$wy$rj$he  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  1  0  0  0
 998:  998       cl$rr$bm  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
 999:  999    sx$hq$zy$zd  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
1000: 1000    bw$cw$pw$rq  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0


Unit: seconds
 expr       min        lq    median        uq       max neval
  GT2 104.68672 104.68672 104.68672 104.68672 104.68672     1
  GT3  15.15321  15.15321  15.15321  15.15321  15.15321     1

VERSION 1以下是建议答案1版

elements_list <- c(outer(letters, letters, FUN = paste, sep = ""))  
random_string <- function(min_length, max_length, separator) {  
  selection <- paste(sample(elements_list, ceiling(runif(1, min_length, max_length))), collapse = separator)  
dt <- data.table(ID = c(1:1000), messy_string = "")  
dt[ , messy_string := random_string(2, 5, "$"), by = ID]  

myFunc <- function() {
  ll <- strsplit(dt[,messy_string], split="\\$")

  COLS <- do.call(rbind, 
                         function(i) {
                             ID= rep(i, length(ll[[i]])),
                             COL = ll[[i]], 
                             VAL= rep(1, length(ll[[i]]))

  res <- as.data.table(tapply(COLS$VAL, list(COLS$ID, COLS$COL), FUN = length ))
  dt <- cbind(dt, res)
  for (j in names(dt))

create_indicators <- function(search_list, searched_string) {  
  y <- rep(0, length(search_list))  
  for(j in 1:length(search_list)) {  
    x <- regexpr(search_list[j], searched_string)  
    x <- x[1]  
    y[j] <- ifelse(x > 0, 1, 0)  
OPFunc <- function() {
indicators <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(dt), ncol = length(elements_list))  
for(n in 1:nrow(dt)) {  
  indicators[n, ] <- dt[n, create_indicators(elements_list, messy_string)]  
indicators <- data.table(indicators)  
setnames(indicators, elements_list)  
dt <- cbind(dt, indicators)

plyrFunc <- function() {
  indicators = do.call(rbind.fill, sapply(1:dim(dt)[1], function(i)
                                             split = "\\$")))))
  dt = cbind(dt, indicators)

  for (j in names(dt))



system.time(res <- myFunc())
## user  system elapsed 
## 1.01    0.00    1.01

system.time(res2 <- OPFunc())
## user  system elapsed 
## 21.58    0.00   21.61

system.time(res3 <- plyrFunc())
## user  system elapsed 
## 1.81    0.00    1.81 


我在这里,而不是在我的答案张贴这作为框架是真的@ GeekTrader的 -Rick_

  myFunc.modified <- function() {
    ll <- strsplit(dt[,messy_string], split="\\$")

    # using `rbindlist` instead of `do.call(rbind.. )`
    COLS <- rbindlist( lapply(1:length(ll), 
                           function(i) {
                               ID= rep(i, length(ll[[i]])),
                               COL = ll[[i]], 
                               VAL= rep(1, length(ll[[i]])), 
  # MODICIATION:  Not coercing to factors                             
                               stringsAsFactors = FALSE

  # MODIFICATION: Preserve as matrix, the output of tapply
    res2 <- tapply(COLS$VAL, list(COLS$ID, COLS$COL), FUN = length )

  # FLATTEN into a data.table
    resdt <- data.table(r=c(res2))

  # FIND & REPLACE NA's of single column
    resdt[is.na(r), r:=0L]

  # cbind with dt, a matrix, with the same attributes as `res2`  
          matrix(resdt[[1]], ncol=ncol(res2), byrow=FALSE, dimnames=dimnames(res2)))

 ### Benchmarks: 

orig = quote({dt <- copy(masterDT); myFunc()})
modified = quote({dt <- copy(masterDT); myFunc.modified()})
microbenchmark(Modified = eval(modified), Orig = eval(orig), times=20L)

#  Unit: milliseconds
#        expr      min        lq   median       uq      max
#  1 Modified  895.025  971.0117 1011.216 1189.599 2476.972
#  2     Orig 1953.638 2009.1838 2106.412 2230.326 2356.802

Answer 2:

  # split the `messy_string` and create a long table, keeping track of the id
  DT2 <- setkey(DT[, list(val=unlist(strsplit(messy_string, "\\$"))), by=list(ID, messy_string)], "val")

  # add the columns, initialize to 0
  DT2[, c(elements_list) := 0L]
  # warning expected, re:adding large ammount of columns

  # iterate over each value in element_list, assigning 1's ass appropriate
  for (el in elements_list)
     DT2[el, c(el) := 1L]

  # sum by ID
  DT2[, lapply(.SD, sum), by=list(ID, messy_string), .SDcols=elements_list]

请注意,我们沿着输送messy_string列,因为它比离开它背后更便宜,然后join荷兰国际集团的ID把它找回来。 如果你不需要它在最终的输出,只是删除它上面。



# sample data, using OP's exmple
N <- 1e6  # number of rows
elements_list <- c(outer(letters, letters, FUN = paste, sep = ""))  
messy_string_vec <- random_string_fast(N, 2, 5, "$")   # Create the messy strings in a single shot. 
masterDT <- data.table(ID = c(1:N), messy_string = messy_string_vec, key="ID")   # create the data.table


  # Faster way to create the `messy_string` 's
  random_string_fast <- function(N, min_length, max_length, separator) {  
    ints <- seq(from=min_length, to=max_length)
    replicate(N, paste(sample(elements_list, sample(ints)), collapse=separator))


  • 这个答案 - “DT.RS”
  • @ EDDI的答案 - “Plyr.eddi”
  • @ GeekTrader的答案 - DT.GT
  • GeekTrader的回答了一些修改 - DT.GT_Mod


library(data.table); library(plyr); library(microbenchmark)

# data.table method - RS
usingDT.RS <- quote({DT <- copy(masterDT);
                    DT2 <- setkey(DT[, list(val=unlist(strsplit(messy_string, "\\$"))), by=list(ID, messy_string)], "val"); DT2[, c(elements_list) := 0L]
                    for (el in elements_list) DT2[el, c(el) := 1L]; DT2[, lapply(.SD, sum), by=list(ID, messy_string), .SDcols=elements_list]})

# data.table method - GeekTrader
usingDT.GT <- quote({dt <- copy(masterDT); myFunc()})

# data.table method - GeekTrader, modified by RS
usingDT.GT_Mod <- quote({dt <- copy(masterDT); myFunc.modified()})

# ply method from below
usingPlyr.eddi <- quote({dt <- copy(masterDT); indicators = do.call(rbind.fill, sapply(1:dim(dt)[1], function(i) dt[i, data.frame(t(as.matrix(table(strsplit(messy_string, split = "\\$"))))) ])); 
                    dt = cbind(dt, indicators); dt[is.na(dt)] = 0; dt })


microbenchmark( usingDT.RS=eval(usingDT.RS), usingDT.GT=eval(usingDT.GT), usingDT.GT_Mod=eval(usingDT.GT_Mod), usingPlyr.eddi=eval(usingPlyr.eddi), times=5L)

  On smaller data: 

  N = 600
  Unit: milliseconds
              expr       min        lq    median        uq       max
  1     usingDT.GT 1189.7549 1198.1481 1200.6731 1202.0972 1203.3683
  2 usingDT.GT_Mod  581.7003  591.5219  625.7251  630.8144  650.6701
  3     usingDT.RS 2586.0074 2602.7917 2637.5281 2819.9589 3517.4654
  4 usingPlyr.eddi 2072.4093 2127.4891 2225.5588 2242.8481 2349.6086

  N = 1,000 
  Unit: seconds
       expr      min       lq   median       uq      max
  1 usingDT.GT 1.941012 2.053190 2.196100 2.472543 3.096096
  2 usingDT.RS 3.107938 3.344764 3.903529 4.010292 4.724700
  3  usingPlyr 3.297803 3.435105 3.625319 3.812862 4.118307

  N = 2,500
  Unit: seconds
              expr      min       lq   median       uq       max
  1     usingDT.GT 4.711010 5.210061 5.291999 5.307689  7.118794
  2 usingDT.GT_Mod 2.037558 2.092953 2.608662 2.638984  3.616596
  3     usingDT.RS 5.253509 5.334890 6.474915 6.740323  7.275444
  4 usingPlyr.eddi 7.842623 8.612201 9.142636 9.420615 11.102888

  N = 5,000
              expr       min        lq    median        uq       max
  1     usingDT.GT  8.900226  9.058337  9.233387  9.622531 10.839409
  2 usingDT.GT_Mod  4.112934  4.293426  4.460745  4.584133  6.128176
  3     usingDT.RS  8.076821  8.097081  8.404799  8.800878  9.580892
  4 usingPlyr.eddi 13.260828 14.297614 14.523016 14.657193 16.698229

  # dropping the slower two from the tests:
  microbenchmark( usingDT.RS=eval(usingDT.RS), usingDT.GT=eval(usingDT.GT), usingDT.GT_Mod=eval(usingDT.GT_Mod), times=6L)

  N = 10,000
  Unit: seconds
              expr       min        lq    median        uq       max
  1 usingDT.GT_Mod  8.426744  8.739659  8.750604  9.118382  9.848153
  2     usingDT.RS 15.260702 15.564495 15.742855 16.024293 16.249556

  N = 25,000
  ... (still running)



  # original random string function
  random_string <- function(min_length, max_length, separator) {  
      selection <- paste(sample(elements_list, ceiling(runif(1, min_length, max_length))), collapse = separator)  

  # GeekTrader's function
  myFunc <- function() {
    ll <- strsplit(dt[,messy_string], split="\\$")

    COLS <- do.call(rbind, 
                           function(i) {
                               ID= rep(i, length(ll[[i]])),
                               COL = ll[[i]], 
                               VAL= rep(1, length(ll[[i]]))

    res <- as.data.table(tapply(COLS$VAL, list(COLS$ID, COLS$COL), FUN = length ))
    dt <- cbind(dt, res)
    for (j in names(dt))

  # Improvements to @GeekTrader's `myFunc` -RS  '
  myFunc.modified <- function() {
    ll <- strsplit(dt[,messy_string], split="\\$")

    # using `rbindlist` instead of `do.call(rbind.. )`
    COLS <- rbindlist( lapply(1:length(ll), 
                           function(i) {
                               ID= rep(i, length(ll[[i]])),
                               COL = ll[[i]], 
                               VAL= rep(1, length(ll[[i]])), 
  # MODICIATION:  Not coercing to factors                             
                               stringsAsFactors = FALSE

  # MODIFICATION: Preserve as matrix, the output of tapply
    res2 <- tapply(COLS$VAL, list(COLS$ID, COLS$COL), FUN = length )

  # FLATTEN into a data.table
    resdt <- data.table(r=c(res2))

  # FIND & REPLACE NA's of single column
    resdt[is.na(r), r:=0L]

  # cbind with dt, a matrix, with the same attributes as `res2`  
          matrix(resdt[[1]], ncol=ncol(res2), byrow=FALSE, dimnames=dimnames(res2)))

  ### Benchmarks comparing the two versions of GeekTrader's function: 
  orig = quote({dt <- copy(masterDT); myFunc()})
  modified = quote({dt <- copy(masterDT); myFunc.modified()})
  microbenchmark(Modified = eval(modified), Orig = eval(orig), times=20L)

  #  Unit: milliseconds
  #        expr      min        lq   median       uq      max
  #  1 Modified  895.025  971.0117 1011.216 1189.599 2476.972
  #  2     Orig 1953.638 2009.1838 2106.412 2230.326 2356.802

Answer 3:


cSplit_e(dt, split.col = "String", sep = "$", type = "character", 
         mode = "binary", fixed = TRUE, fill = 0)
#  ID String String_a String_b String_c
#1  1    a$b        1        1        0
#2  2    b$c        0        1        1
#3  3      c        0        0        1

Answer 4:


indicators = do.call(rbind.fill, sapply(1:dim(dt)[1], function(i)
                                                                 split = "\\$")))))
dt = cbind(dt, indicators)

# dt[is.na(dt)] = 0
# faster NA replace (thanks geektrader)
for (j in names(dt))
  set(dt, which(is.na(dt[[j]])), j, 0L)

Answer 5:

下面是使用的方法rapplytable 。 我相信会有比这里使用表稍快的做法,但它仍然比略快myfunc.Modified从@ricardo; S答案

# a copy with enough column pointers available
dtr <- alloc.col(copy(dt)  ,1000L)

rapplyFun <- function(){
ll <- strsplit(dtr[, messy_string], '\\$')
Vals <- rapply(ll, classes = 'character', f= table, how = 'replace')
Names <- unique(rapply(Vals, names))

dtr[, (Names) := 0L]
for(ii in seq_along(Vals)){
  for(jj in names(Vals[[ii]])){
    set(dtr, i = ii, j = jj, value =Vals[[ii]][jj])

microbenchmark(myFunc.modified(), rapplyFun(),times=5)
Unit: milliseconds
#             expr      min       lq   median       uq      max neval
# myFunc.modified() 395.1719 396.8706 399.3218 400.6353 401.1700     5
# rapplyFun()       308.9103 309.5763 309.9368 310.2971 310.3463     5

Answer 6:

这里是另一种解决方案,即构建一个稀疏矩阵对象,而不是你拥有什么。 该刮胡子了大量的时间和内存。



strings = strsplit(dt$messy_string, split = "$", fixed = TRUE)
element.map = data.table(el = elements_list, n = seq_along(elements_list), key = "el")

tmp = data.table(n = seq_along(strings), each = unlist(lapply(strings, length)))

rows = tmp[, rep(n, each = each), by = n][, V1]
cols = element.map[J(unlist(strings))][,n]

dt.sparse = sparseMatrix(rows, cols, x = 1,
                         dims = c(max(rows), length(elements_list)))

# optional, should be avoided until absolutely necessary
dt = cbind(dt, as.data.table(as.matrix(dt.sparse)))
setnames(dt, c('id', 'messy_string', elements_list))

我们的想法是分割为字符串,然后使用data.table作为地图对象的每个子映射到其正确的列位置。 从那里,它只是一个正确搞清楚行和矩阵中的填充物。

文章来源: Split a string column into several dummy variables